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Dr. Fab Mancini: Shaping a Healthier World — An Exclusive

As a publication devoted to the modern, ambitious, and globally-minded man, Global Man Magazine is excited to bring to you a thought-provoking conversation with a man who embodies these very characteristics. We present an exclusive interview with one of the world’s most influential figures in wellness and integrative healthcare – a consultant, a best-selling author, a speaker, and a powerful advocate for self-healing and healthy living, Dr. Fab Mancini.

From advising governmental and civic organizations, including the White House Commission for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, to transforming organizations’ approach to wellness, Dr. Mancini has made waves across different sectors and continents. He has served as the President/CEO and President Emeritus of Parker University, and his bestselling book, “The Power of Self-Healing,” has become a global phenomenon, inspiring individuals to tap into their body’s natural ability to heal itself. In this insightful interview, Dr. Mancini takes us on his remarkable journey, sharing the challenges, opportunities, and powerful stories that have shaped his career and the field of integrative healthcare.


As a global executive and consultant in wellness and integrative healthcare, what do you consider to be the most significant challenges and opportunities in promoting self-healing and healthy lifestyles on a global scale?

When it comes to promoting self-healing and healthy lifestyles on a global scale, there are both significant challenges and incredible opportunities that lie before us, especially for high achievers. One of the most significant challenges is shifting the mindset of individuals from a reactive approach to health, where we wait until something goes wrong before taking action, to a proactive approach that prioritises prevention and self-care.

Imagine your body as a finely tuned instrument, like a sleek sports car. Just as you invest time and resources into maintaining and optimizing your car’s performance, you must do the same for your body. The opportunity lies in recognizing that your body is a self-healing marvel, capable of restoring and rejuvenating itself when given the proper conditions and care.

To seize this opportunity, I recommend starting with small, actionable steps that align with your busy lifestyle. Begin by incorporating mindful moments throughout your day, whether it’s a few minutes of deep breathing or a brief meditation session. Cultivate a nourishing relationship with food, choosing whole, unprocessed ingredients that fuel your body and mind. Engage in regular physical activity that you enjoy, whether it’s a dance class, yoga session, or brisk walk in nature.

The science supports these practices, showing that mindfulness reduces stress levels, proper nutrition strengthens immune function, and exercise releases endorphins that boost mood and overall well-being. By prioritizing these practices and integrating them into your daily routine, you can gradually transform your life and inspire others to do the same.

You have worked with various organizations and individuals to transform their approach to wellness and healthcare. Could you share a particularly memorable success story that highlights the impact of your work?

Let me share a memorable success story that exemplifies the impact of my work. I once worked with a high-powered executive, much like your readers, who was constantly under immense pressure to perform and deliver results. She had neglected her well-being for years, sacrificing sleep, healthy eating, and exercise in pursuit of professional success.

During our coaching sessions, we discussed the importance of self-care and how it ultimately enhances productivity and effectiveness. We explored practical strategies to incorporate wellness into her demanding schedule, such as creating a morning routine that included exercise, setting boundaries to ensure adequate rest, and adopting healthier eating habits.

Over time, she began to experience profound changes. She had more energy, improved focus, and a renewed sense of purpose. She became an inspiring example to her team, advocating for work-life balance and prioritizing employee well-being. This cultural shift resulted in increased productivity, reduced turnover, and improved overall company performance.

The transformative power of this success story lies in recognizing that investing in our own well-being not only benefits us individually but also has a ripple effect on our organizations and the people around us. By prioritizing self-care and leading by example, we can create a positive and thriving work environment that supports the holistic health of all.

With your expertise in executive leadership, what advice would you give to aspiring leaders in the wellness industry who aim to create a vision for growth, profitability, and value?

First, it’s essential to clarify your purpose and define your unique value proposition. What makes your approach to wellness distinct? What specific problems do you solve? Understanding your unique contribution will help you stand out in a crowded market and attract clients and partners who resonate with your vision.

Second, embrace a growth mindset. View challenges as opportunities for learning and expansion. Stay curious and open to new ideas and research, always seeking to integrate the latest evidence-based practices into your offerings. Continually educate yourself to remain at the forefront of the wellness industry and position yourself as a thought leader.

Third, foster collaboration and strategic partnerships. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and organizations that share your values and complementary expertise. By joining forces, you can amplify your impact and create a collective movement towards a healthier world.

Finally, lead by example. Walk the talk and embody the principles you espouse. Your personal well-being and success serve as a powerful testament to the effectiveness of your approach. By living a balanced, purpose-driven life, you inspire others to follow suit and become ambassadors of wellness themselves.

As an author, speaker, and media personality, you have been influential in educating and motivating others to improve their health and wellness. How do you ensure that your message resonates with diverse audiences across different cultures and languages?

As a global author, speaker, and media personality, my aim is to ensure that my message resonates with diverse audiences across different cultures and languages. I achieve this by focusing on universal principles and values that transcend cultural boundaries.

One of the key principles is the acknowledgment of our shared humanity. Regardless of our cultural backgrounds, we all aspire to live a fulfilling and healthy life. By emphasizing this common goal, I create a bridge of understanding that allows my message to resonate with individuals from all walks of life.

Another strategy I employ is the use of relatable metaphors and personal examples. I believe stories have a unique power to connect people, and I often share narratives that illustrate the transformative potential of self-healing and healthy lifestyle choices. By providing vivid and relatable anecdotes, I tap into the emotions and experiences that are universally understood and appreciated.

Furthermore, I prioritise the translation and adaptation of my work into different languages and cultural contexts. By working with professional translators and cultural consultants, I ensure that my message retains its authenticity and relevance when shared with diverse audiences.

Ultimately, the key lies in approaching each interaction with empathy and cultural sensitivity. By recognizing and respecting the uniqueness of each individual and community, we can create a more inclusive and empowering dialogue around health and wellness.

Having served as President/CEO and President Emeritus of Parker University, what strategies did you implement to transform the institution into a growing accredited university meeting the evolving needs of the healthcare industry?

First, I focused on fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. By encouraging interdisciplinary partnerships and creating platforms for knowledge exchange, we harnessed the collective intelligence of our faculty, staff, and students. This collaborative approach allowed us to stay ahead of emerging trends and adapt our curriculum and programs accordingly.

Second, I emphasised the integration of technology and cutting-edge research. We invested in state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, ensuring that our students had access to the latest advancements in healthcare. By embracing technology, we expanded our educational reach beyond traditional boundaries, offering online courses and virtual learning opportunities.

Third, we cultivated strong relationships with industry leaders and practitioners. Through partnerships and advisory boards, we gained valuable insights into the evolving needs and demands of the healthcare sector. This allowed us to tailor our educational offerings to align with real-world requirements and provide our graduates with a competitive edge.

Lastly, I prioritised the well-being and personal growth of our students. Recognizing that healthcare professionals must embody the principles they teach, we incorporated wellness and business education into our curriculum. We empowered our students to embrace self-care, resilience, and a holistic approach to health, ensuring that they were not only knowledgeable practitioners but also exemplars of well-being.

By implementing these strategies, we positioned Parker University as a leading institution that not only met the needs of the healthcare industry but also prepared compassionate and empowered healthcare professionals to make a positive impact in the world.

You have advised governmental and civic organizations, including the White House Commission for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. What role do you see for complementary and alternative medicine in the future of healthcare, and how can it be integrated effectively?

When it comes to the future of healthcare, I firmly believe that complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has a vital role to play. CAM offers a holistic and patient-centered approach that complements conventional medicine, focusing on prevention, empowerment, and the body’s innate ability to heal.

Just as diverse ecosystems thrive with a wide range of plant and animal species, our healthcare system can flourish by embracing a diverse array of healing modalities. Integrating CAM effectively requires a shift in perspective, from a narrow focus on disease management to a broader understanding of health promotion and well-being.

To achieve this integration, I recommend three action steps:

First, we must foster collaboration and open dialogue between conventional and complementary practitioners. By creating forums for knowledge exchange and mutual respect, we can bridge the gap and establish a cohesive and comprehensive approach to healthcare.

Second, we need to prioritise research and evidence-based practices in the field of CAM. Robust scientific studies and clinical trials are essential for validating the effectiveness and safety of CAM modalities. By supporting and participating in research efforts, we can build a solid foundation of evidence that allows CAM to be integrated into mainstream healthcare.

Lastly, education plays a critical role. We must equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to understand and appreciate the benefits of CAM. By incorporating CAM education into medical and healthcare training programs, we empower future practitioners to embrace a truly integrative approach and provide the best care possible.

By integrating CAM effectively, we can create a healthcare system that harnesses the best of both worlds, optimizing patient outcomes, and enhancing overall well-being.

Your best-selling book, “The Power of Self-Healing,” has inspired countless individuals. Could you share a personal anecdote or testimonial that exemplifies the transformative power of self-healing?

A few years ago, I was approached by a high-achieving executive who was struggling with chronic stress, anxiety, and burnout. Despite her professional success, she felt trapped in a cycle of exhaustion and disconnection from herself and her loved ones.

During our sessions, we explored the power of self-healing and the importance of addressing the underlying causes of her stress. We delved into the concept of self-care and the transformative potential of simple practices like mindfulness, gratitude, Chiropractic care and conscious breathing.

Over time, she began to incorporate these practices into her daily routine. She set aside time for self-reflection and self-care, nurturing her body, mind, and spirit. Gradually, she noticed profound changes. Her stress levels reduced, and she gained a newfound sense of clarity, resilience, and joy.

But the transformation didn’t stop there. As she experienced the profound benefits of self-healing, she became an advocate within her organization. She implemented wellness initiatives, created spaces for mindfulness and stress reduction, and encouraged her team members to prioritise self-care.

The impact was remarkable. Employee morale improved, productivity soared, and absenteeism decreased. The organization became a beacon of well-being, attracting top talent and earning a reputation as an employer that truly cared about the holistic well-being of its staff.

This personal anecdote exemplifies the transformative power of self-healing. When we embark on a journey of self-discovery and prioritise our well-being, we not only transform ourselves but also have the potential to create a ripple effect of positive change in our personal and professional lives.

In your experience as a consultant to businesses, governments, and non-profits, what innovative strategies have you recommended to expand market share for product-driven companies while reducing healthcare costs?

Here are a few actionable steps:

First, emphasise prevention and wellness. Shift the focus from reactive treatment to proactive wellness by creating products and services that support healthy lifestyles and preventive care. By targeting the root causes of health issues and providing resources for self-care, companies can reduce the need for costly interventions down the line.

Second, leverage technology and data analytics. Embrace digital solutions that empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being. Develop smart devices, wearables, and apps that provide personalised insights, tracking, and guidance. By leveraging data analytics, companies can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, allowing them to tailor their offerings accordingly.

Third, prioritise employee well-being. Recognise that healthy and engaged employees are the foundation of a thriving organization. Implement comprehensive wellness programs that go beyond traditional healthcare benefits. Offer mindfulness training, stress reduction initiatives, Chiropractic care and resources for work-life balance. By investing in the well-being of your employees, you foster a culture of productivity, loyalty, and innovation.

Lastly, cultivate strategic partnerships. Collaborate with other organizations in the wellness and healthcare industry to create synergistic solutions. By combining resources, expertise, and networks, companies can expand their market reach, reduce costs through shared investments, and provide comprehensive solutions to consumers.

By implementing these innovative strategies, product-driven companies can differentiate themselves, attract a broader customer base, and contribute to a healthier society while reducing overall healthcare costs.

Your radio show, “Self-Healing with Dr. Fab,” has reached a wide audience. What motivated you to start the show, and what impact do you believe it has had on promoting a positive lifestyle and self-healing practices?

The motivation behind my radio show, “Self-Healing with Dr. Fab,” stems from a deep desire to empower individuals and promote a positive lifestyle rooted in self-healing practices. The show serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, inspiration, and practical tips for cultivating well-being.

I believe in the power of education and the transformative potential of information. Through my show, I aim to reach a wide audience and provide them with actionable tools and insights that they can apply to their daily lives.

Each episode of “Self-Healing with Dr. Fab” is carefully crafted to engage, inform, and inspire. I incorporate stories, metaphors, and real-life examples to make the content relatable and accessible. I invite guest experts from diverse backgrounds and cultures to offer a wide range of perspectives and expertise.

Moreover, I actively encourage audience participation. I invite listeners to submit questions and share their own experiences, creating a sense of community and shared learning. By incorporating their voices into the show, I foster a sense of ownership and empowerment, reminding individuals that they have the ability to take control of their health and well-being.

The impact of “Self-Healing with Dr. Fab” extends beyond the airwaves. Listeners have reported positive lifestyle changes, improved mental well-being, and a newfound sense of purpose. By providing a platform for education and inspiration, the show acts as a catalyst for personal transformation and a gateway to self-discovery.

With your multicultural perspective, what lessons have you learned about the importance of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity when delivering wellness and healthcare services to diverse populations around the world?

Here are a few key insights:

First and foremost, it’s crucial to recognise and respect cultural differences. Every culture has its own unique beliefs, traditions, and practices related to health and well-being. By approaching each individual and community with curiosity, openness, and humility, we can learn from their wisdom and integrate culturally relevant strategies into our offerings.

Second, effective communication is essential. Language barriers can hinder understanding and trust. It’s important to provide information and resources in multiple languages and utilise interpreters when necessary. Tailor your messaging to resonate with different cultural contexts, ensuring that it is relatable and accessible to diverse populations.

Third, foster partnerships with local leaders and organizations. Collaborate with community leaders, cultural influencers, and grassroots organizations to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by different populations. By working together, we can co-create solutions that are culturally sensitive, respectful, and impactful.

Finally, continuously educate yourself and your team about cultural diversity and inclusivity. Invest in training programs and resources that promote cultural competency and sensitivity. By nurturing a diverse and inclusive mindset within your organization, you can provide better care and services that honour and embrace the unique backgrounds and perspectives of each individual.

Remember, true wellness encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and it should be accessible to all, regardless of cultural background or socio-economic status. By prioritizing cultural sensitivity and inclusivity, we can create a world where everyone has equal access to the transformative power of wellness.

Balthasar Fleischmann: My ICE Method — Lessons from My 35 Years in Law Enforcement

Balthasar Fleischmann

Balthasar Fleischmann is an exceptional speaker who provides invaluable insights into effective communication and conflict resolution. Drawing on his extensive experience as a seasoned police officer and undercover agent with 35 years of experience, Balthasar is a highly sought-after speaker for events focused on these topics.

Balthasar’s speeches are not only informative but also highly engaging, with practical advice that audiences can implement immediately. He understands the importance of choosing the right words and how they can impact communication effectiveness. Balthasar’s ICE method, a practical tool for decision-making and effective communication, has been proven in a variety of settings to improve communication and achieve successful outcomes.

In addition to his expertise in verbal communication, Balthasar understands the importance of nonverbal communication and how it can convey authenticity and build rapport. He provides audiences with practical advice on how to use body language to enhance communication effectiveness.

Balthasar Fleischmann’s speeches are a must-attend for those looking to improve their communication skills and achieve successful outcomes. Book him as a speaker for your next event to gain valuable insights and take your communication skills to the next level.

“I faced many challenging situations, but I managed them all without resorting to violence. I arrested murderers and caught thieves, but saving lives was certainly the best task and guiding people on the right path with my influence.”
Balthasar Fleischmann


What inspired you to become a police officer and undercover agent, and how did you get started in this line of work?

In my personal experience of 35 years, many people become police officers because they want to serve their communities and make a positive impact. Some are drawn to the challenges and adrenaline of undercover work. For me, it was the desire to serve people with all my competence. I changed to the special unit after creating the concept for this unit. So, I was the first to be there.

What were some of the most challenging situations you encountered during your time as a police officer and undercover agent, and how did you handle them?

Police officers and undercover agents face a wide range of challenges, from dealing with dangerous criminals to managing high-pressure situations that require quick decision-making. I faced many challenging situations, but I managed them all without resorting to violence. I arrested murderers and caught thieves, but saving lives was certainly the best task and guiding people on the right path with my influence.

How do you train individuals to effectively use communication as a weapon in difficult situations, and what are some of the key skills that are required?

Effective communication skills are essential for police officers and anyone dealing with difficult situations. It’s about controlling your emotions and not being driven by anger or rage. One rule I always follow is to separate the person from their actions, focusing on the action and recognizing that there is a human being behind it with their own reasons. This allows for a better response and better control of the situation.

Can you share some examples of how the ICE method has been used successfully in business negotiations or employee conversations?

My ICE method (Identify, Corporate, and Eliminate) can be used in a variety of settings to improve communication and achieve successful outcomes. For example, in business negotiations, using this ICE method can help parties identify the key issues at hand, clarify their positions, and consider the consequences of their decisions. I give examples and tools in my seminars to help participants understand and apply my ICE method effectively.

How can individuals learn to control their emotions in challenging situations, and what role does self-awareness play in this process?

Controlling emotions in challenging situations is important for maintaining clear thinking and making sound decisions. Self-awareness is a key component of this process, as it allows individuals to recognize and manage their emotions effectively. Techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and mindfulness can also be helpful in controlling emotions and staying calm under pressure. Training in emotional intelligence and stress management can be beneficial as well.

What are some of the common misconceptions about communication and conflict resolution, and how do you address them in your seminars and workshops?

One common misconception is that communication always involves compromise or finding a middle ground. However, this is not always the case, and sometimes one party may need to take a firm stance to protect their interests or boundaries. In my seminars and workshops, I address this misconception by teaching individuals to focus on their own needs and communicate them effectively, while also being open to hearing the other party’s perspective. I provide tools and methods that challenge traditional thinking and offer new perspectives.

How can individuals identify and remove unhelpful words from their vocabulary, and what impact can this have on their communication effectiveness?

Individuals can identify unhelpful words in their vocabulary by becoming more aware of their own language patterns and paying attention to how others respond to their words. Some common unhelpful words include blaming language, negative self-talk, and generalizations. Removing these words from their vocabulary and replacing them with more positive and constructive language can have a significant impact on their communication effectiveness. In our workshops, we help participants identify these unhelpful words and understand why they use them. We then work on replacing them with beneficial terms. As a result, participants report ongoing success and improved communication.

How do you approach situations where the other person is not willing to communicate, and what strategies can be employed in these scenarios?

Communication cannot be forced. Instead, we can try to understand the motivation behind the other person’s unwillingness to communicate and work on changing that motivation or showing them a new perspective. Active listening and creating a safe space for them to express themselves can be helpful. However, if these approaches do not work, it may be necessary to disengage and return to the conversation at a later time. Strategies such as mediation or involving a neutral third party can also be employed to resolve the conflict.

How can individuals develop their body language skills to effectively communicate their message and convey authenticity?

Developing body language skills involves being aware of one’s own nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and posture, and learning to read the nonverbal cues of others. Practicing active listening, maintaining eye contact, and using open body language can all help to convey authenticity and build rapport in communication. In our seminars, we go beyond basic body language and expand participants’ perception of themselves. We bring their body language into consciousness, work on exercises, and ensure that their body language is authentic and aligned with their message.

What advice do you have for individuals who are looking to improve their conflict resolution and communication skills, both in their personal and professional lives?

My advice for individuals looking to improve their conflict resolution and communication skills is to practice active listening, become more aware of their own language patterns, and approach difficult conversations with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Seeking out training or coaching from experienced professionals in this field can also be helpful. Effective communication and conflict resolution are skills that can be developed over time with practice and dedication. Additionally, I recommend using my ICE method as a practical tool for decision-making and effective communication. We provide support and guidance at the Decisionairs Academy, and we look forward to assisting you on your journey.

Explore More Of Balthasar and Contact Him on LinkedIn:

Balthasar Fleischmann | LinkedIn

Upshift: Global Change-Maker Roger Casale on Love, Politics, and the Making of the World Upshift Movement

The World Upshift Movement was launched by award-winning civil rights campaigner Roger Casale and twice Nobel Peace Prize nominated Ervin Laszlo in Rome in November 2022.

Its mission statement speaks about working together for change from our hearts. Hearts filled with life, compassion, and solidarity with humanity instead of with hatred and fear.

Roger Casale has had a career in government, civil society, and business.

He founded the civil rights group New Europeans in 2013 and served as a Labour MP from 1997-2005.

As a government affairs advisor, he worked at board level in the aerospace sector in the UK and has also lived and worked in Germany.

Roger now lives in Rome with his partner Maria Antinori. On 21 February, Roger and Maria will be in London to present World Upshift Forum – the “feel-think-and-do tank” at the heart of the World Upshift Movement. To find out more, visit World Upshift Movement

What inspired you to start the World Upshift Movement?

It’s a very kind question, but in fact the idea of starting the Upshift Movement was not mine.  I was asked to do so by Ervin Laszlo, the twice Nobel prize nominated Hungarian philosopher and systems theorist.

I was also encouraged to do so by my partner, Maria Antinori, who is a biologist and has always been fascinated by the relationship between spirituality and science and is the Chair of the World Upshift Organisation, the small company we have set up in London to coordinate the movement.

Ervin Laszlo’s life work points to the need to create a much broader movement than the one he has already built up, if we are to focus greater public attention on the future of humanity and what can be done to avert disaster. I think he saw in me someone who could help him create such a movement based on my experience as a former Member of Parliament and civil rights activist.

What inspires me most about the World Upshift Movement, is the realisation that there is really only one very powerful resource which can really change the world for the better and that is the power of love. To paraphrase John Lennon – “All we are saying – is give love a chance.”

We don’t mean sentimental love or some kind or emotion here, but rather that universal regard for humanity which lies deep within us all – we just need to find it. That is why there is such a focus on meditation and mindfulness in the World Upshift Movement.

If we think about change in our own personal lives, we know that this often comes from the heart and not the head. The simple proposition of the World Upshift Movement is that if that is true for the individual, why should it not work for humanity as a whole.

What experiences did you gain from your time as a government affairs advisor?

Having worked as a Member of Parliament for eight years, including three years in government, it was a new experience to be on the other side of the fence so to speak, working from the outside into government rather than the other way around.

My most important experience was the realisation that there is no inside track and that it is not who you know but what you know that really counts. I knew quite a lot about how government and parliament work, and I knew it not from books but from experience. I was able to share this experience with clients to help them understand how to build an appropriate profile and transparent relationships of trust with political stakeholders.

I also learned about the importance of helping companies manage the risk that is generated from political instability such as the Brexit vote or the election of Donald Trump. It is not easy to navigate in a situation of political uncertainty, particularly as political change is driven by emotion not just by reason. I learned much by working through the key issues with board members and CEOs and advising on strategy to mitigate risk.

How has living in Britain, Germany and Italy shaped your approach to social change?

When you live in another country and learn another language you receive the gift of being able to see your own culture and country in perspective. It helped me to understand that wherever we are from, we have much more in common than divides us.

As a result, I now place a much greater value on the need to build consensus and to work across borders and boundaries. It’s easy to forget that we can learn a great deal even from people who we disagree with on certain issues or who are very different from us in other ways.

By chance, I was living in Berlin in 1989 when the Berlin wall came down. That has left a lasting conviction that change from below is possible and that freedom and democracy are precious values which we all have a responsibility to nurture and protect.

Can you tell me a bit about the work you did as a Labour Member of Parliament for Wimbledon?

I won the seat – which had been held for 50 years by the Conservatives – on a record 18% swing in one of the biggest swings of the night when Labour swept to power in 1997. Having won as Labour candidate, I worked hard to show my constituents that I was elected to represent them all.

My predecessor had rarely visited the constituency. On the other hand, I lived in the area and worked hard for all my constituents. People would sometimes say to me “I didn’t vote for you, but you are doing a good job for me.” That taught me something important about my job.

Although I lost the seat in 2005, I felt that I had set the bar higher in terms of how people in Wimbledon expected to be represented. In fact, it’s a kind of upshift! Wimbledon still has an MP who works hard for the community, albeit from another party. That’s what really matters to the people who live there.

In what ways can governments around the world benefit from the World Upshift Movement?

I think the best answer I can give right now is that we will have to wait and see! Much will depend on how fast the movement grows and whether the great work that is already going on is scalable.

I do think, however, that there is very widespread concern in many parts of the world about the quality of our democracy and the capacity of our political systems to govern in a climate of populism and fear.

By bringing people together for change from the heart, the World Upshift Movement can help generate consensus and refocus public debate.

Too often political arguments flare up at the extremes when what we really want the discussion to do is to bubble along in the middle! No one has a monopoly of wisdom and the best policy outcomes often come about through a more inclusive approach, including the use of citizens’ assemblies.

The World Upshift Movement will be working with organisations that promote deliberative democracy, including through citizens panels and citizens juries, which give ordinary citizens the opportunity to take part in decision-making between elections and not just when it’s time to vote.

Such an approach goes hand in hand with other aspects of our work at the World Upshift Movement. Without an awareness of our possibilities and responsibilities as citizens, it will be difficult to achieve the critical number of engaged citizens who can help us renew and strengthen our democracies.

World Upshift Movement


5 Ideal Gifts for Valentine’s Day

Valentine is near! It is an opportunity to express your love with gifts. And when these gifts are made with good taste, even better for your loves. What do women want? What makes them happy? What is that precious memory that they want to carry with them forever? Of course a precious piece of jewelry. We are recommending you 5 gift ideas that for this Valentine will surprise you your partner. For your convenience, you can find 5 of these gifts at Markis Jewelry, now also online.


Make her have you in her heart with a diamond heart. This necklace will be ideal for this Valentine. She is in your heart, so this heart can now be in her neck.


Rings are a great gift, perhaps the most special and important. If you choose to propose on Valentine’s Day, be careful to choose the right ring. Be sure that no one can resist the precious brilliance (nor the desire to say YES)


Give more finesse and color to this accessory that will make your girlfriend even more charming. The earring are accessories that can be easily combined. And if they have precious stones, the more precise this gift becomes.

Emerald Necklace

If your girlfriend loves gemstones, this ring with emerald stones is ideal. Make her love the color green again and give the feeling that she is special, as much as this stone.

Rings with multicolored stones

Who said the ring should always have a proposal behind it? Maybe your girlfriend will be disappointed when she see that you’re not proposing her, but be sure that she will fall in love with the ring, as much as with you. So give her the ring she deserves.

Find these precious gifts and more clicking on this link



Hitesh Anand: How I changed the textile industry for the benefit of employees and for nature

Hitesh was still a child, growing up in a large family, as he watched his father and uncle discuss family business. Little did he know then, that one day he would be the one to turn a business into a healthy way of living. Today, he successfully runs a textile company that cares not only about the health of his employees, but also seeks to protect nature. Returning to old traditions, he has found a practical and ecological solution to the problem of textile dyeing. His passions and his life have changed since the pandemic including transferring his attention from the gym to the kitchen!

How was your childhood and how connected are you with those memories?

I was born in the small town of Ayodhya in India. Growing up I have watched my dad and my uncles’ build our family business and working very hard to expand it across the length and breadth of India. I never actually got involved in my family business but I have witnessed my uncles’ and my dad discussing their business like founders of most businesses would do, though I wasn’t even aware of the words‘founders’ or ‘start-ups’ then. For me, it was just a business run by my family. Those memories of living in a big family running a joint business – with far too many people around me and at home – always stayed with me.

When did you start preparing your self to be an entrepreneur?

I think it started during my school days. I used to see my dad sitting with piles of papers working on his investment portfolio and planning his next moves. I started taking an interest in what he was doing and eventually I took over his portfolio and then started managing myself in terms of making money for dad and also a bit for myself too. It was then that I started learning about companies and how they function and how to deal with valuations and finances, etc.

What were the first steps of the business and what were the first difficulties you encountered?

The first step is never easy. I started out as an engineer and then transformed my career into the textiles business. I had to read lots of research papers and books and I also spent time with the factory workers to learn all the basics about the textiles industry. It took me a couple of years before I had a good understanding of the industry that I had now jumped into. But I must say, it was a wise decision to learn about the industry first, so I could avoid getting my hands burned at the very beginning.

It seems that some of your work is quite revolutionary in terms of the people who work in factories. Can you tell us how you changed these old models of working?

While I was working in the textiles industry I learnt many new things almost every day – but I also witnessed the dark side of the industry. The textiles industry is one of the most polluting industries on the planet and the working conditions of the staff are just terrible. Although there are many laws and certificates that were created to make sure that the manufacturing process is done ethically, the actual ground reality is not always the same.

I was especially concerned about the conditions of the workers in the dyeing industry where they have to work with toxic chemicals all day. You don’t even have to touch these chemicals to get sick, the gases are enough to cause harm and these workers’ hands were drenched in the chemicals all day whilst working. I saw many with severe skin problems and fatal conditions. So for this reason I didn’t want to be part of that industry anymore.

But running away from these types of problem would never bring a solution. So,instead, I thought I would try to do my bit to bring about a change in the industry. That’s when I started looking for alternative dyeing methods and came across ‘Ayurvedic dyeing’ which was the way India use to dye before chemicals started to be used instead.

Can we say that returning to this older tradition of dyeing was a way out that helped you in your business?

Returning to tradition was a very important aspect. Our old way of living, which we call ‘tradition’, was about being closer to nature and in many ways the traditions evolved or existed because of nature.The traditions of celebrating the harvesting of crops, the tradition of fasting in Indian culture and the tradition of eating certain foods at certain hours of the day are all derived from nature.

I also wanted to bring these traditions back to the masses just like with Yoga. Ayurvedic textile dyeing is part of a 5000-year-old science which can improve our wellness, elevate our mood and enhance our aural energy.For us, going back to tradition meant going back to nature – and yes it has certainly helped our business.But my goal was more than that as there is lot more to our business than just being eco-friendly.

How much have you changed this industry today?

Textiles is multi-trillion-dollar industry today. By creating just a small impact we will still be a billion-dollar company, but that is not the prime focus. We want the world to know that an alternative way exists and if consumers start demanding cleaner/greener/ethical products then more companies like ours will also start to change the industry. We have just started and there is still a lot that needs to be done. I can assure you that we won’t sit back and watch the devastation of our planet at the hands of those who lust for fashion and good looks. Thankfully the consumer choices are now beginning to change towards sustainability in almost every industry.

Tell us about your life away from work and business commitments?

There are two parts to this answer. Pre-Pandemic and Post-Pandemic. Pre-pandemic I liked going to the gym every evening and also taking a break to travel every six months.Post-pandemic I have developed a love for cooking which is very cathartic and helps me to unwind.More recently, ‘Vedic Astrology’ has grabbed my attention. It is fascinating to know how accurately the positions of the stars and planets were described by our ancestors more than 5000 years ago and what we can learn from them.

Luca Spaghetti- A name to remember

Luca Spaghetti- A name to remember


By Fati Gorezi

Luca Spaghetti was born in Rome, Italy. His name, but above all his nice surname, has become famous thanks to his meeting with Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the bestseller “Eat, Pray, Love”, which then became a film with Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem, in which Luca was present as a character because of his name. Being connected to a great book (and later a film)  brought  many changes  to his  life.  Now  Luca is a  completely charming writer too. His first book “Un romano per amico”, is published in thirteen countries.

 ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, The story of Elizabeth’s life, literally, became a sensation in many countries captivating millions of readers (and later viewers) All of the “characters” in her book are real people and you are one of them. How do you feel about that?

Well, first I have to say that I didn’t know I was going to be in the book. When in 2003 Liz explained to me her project she told me that her book was going to be a ‘sort of biography’ but I couldn’t imagine a “real” biography. When she sent me the draft of EPL and I read my name for the first time I fell down from my chair. Then I started to appreciate it and the book became a phenomenon and people began to search me out and asked me: “Are you the Luca Spaghetti of EPL? Do you really exist?”

Then the movie came out where I am depicted as being bald and fat – but the problem wasn’t that I’m bald and fat in the movie but that the production team tried to make me become a Roma fan!!! Probably you know that in Rome there are two soccer teams, Lazio (The Good) and Roma (The Evil). And when we went with Liz on the movie set in Rome one night to meet Julia Roberts I met “myself” for the first time and I saw the actor who played me (Giuseppe Gandini) coming with a yellow-and-red Roma’s scarf on his (my!) shoulder.

At that time I said laughing: “I need a lawyer! It’s okay being bald and it’s okay being fat – but I’ll never be a Roma fan!” So they took mercy on me and I returned to being a Lazio fan in the movie.

You became a tour guide/guardian angel to Liz (the protagonist) How would you describe your relationship and friendship with Elizabeth Gilbert?

A gift! When a common friend wrote to me to say she was coming to Rome for three months and asked me to take care of her I was scared. I knew she was a writer and I thought of her as a very boring, intellectual, snobbish and a sophisticated person. Then, day by day, after some “penne all’arrabbiata” and a few glasses of wine I discovered how wonderful she is. I learned from her how to stop hiding my feelings and now I’m not ashamed to say: “Leave your door open always and take care of those you love.”

And we also found out a lot of things that we have in common: we have the same way of protecting our friendship deeply and strongly and we have the same sense of humour and we love eating. Most of the people remind me how lucky Liz and I are to have such a great friendship. And I completely agree. Even after her great success she’s still the same girl I used to know.

Being a person in a great book (and later film) what changes have been brought to your life?

First of all, I am now at peace with my last name! When I was child I suffered a lot, then, on becoming an adult, I learned to laugh about myself and I started to think that it wasn’t such a giant problem, and now I am a good friend with my last name. My grandmother always used to tell me, “Your last name is going to bring you luck! When people meet you it will make them happy and a little bit hungry too.” Now I can say that is absolutely true!

It has brought me luck and a lot of new friends and experiences like becoming friends with my idol James Taylor, becoming a member of the ‘Carbonara Club’ as Ambassador, and it has given me a funnier and happier life.

The book marks a revolution for women. An uprising and a rare search by Elizabeth Gilbert about how women should rise again after every failure and seek success. In your opinion what are the biggest challenges that women face today?

Probably their equality with men based on all the recent stories about abuse in the media and economic factors in terms of pay and remuneration. In a civilized and equitable world women should be paid the same as a man but I’m afraid it still isn’t so. Economically there are some tasks that have different remunerations if the worker is a man or a woman. My wife, for example, is the Director of a chemical laboratory with two hundred people. She is the first woman trusted with this task and she’s happy and appreciated. But many of her colleagues are sure that if her job was done by a man he would have better pay. Personally, I prefer to work with women. I have two girls who work for me and I would never change them for men. Every day I work with clients who are women and every day I appreciate their skills. I’m happy that Liz is a fantastic living example of every positive thing a woman could dream or plan to be.

You are a completely charming writer too. How would you describe your experience of writing books?

Thank you. A fantastic experience and the realisation of a dream. When I was a kid I dreamed of becoming a soccer player, then a songwriter like James Taylor, and at 40 years old I discovered that writing was easy for me. This was, and still is, a great lesson to me. I tried and I loved it. I started just to tell the EPL phenomenon seen through my eyes – the story of an ordinary guy with a special last name, who was born and grew up in the most beautiful city in the world and how a friendship and a book changed his life. Then I found that writing is one the best ways for me to let my emotions come out and so I went on. I’d love to write more, but often my other work doesn’t leave me so much time to do it – so I try to exploit every free minute I have.

What we should know about Italian women and men?

You should know that Italian women are the most beautiful women in the world and that Italian men are the most charming men in the world (not me of course!) Italian women and men are the funniest creatures on the planet, the best cooks, the most elegantly dressed, the insuperable wine makers and of course, the most romantic lovers in the universe. Of course I’m kidding, but I can swear we all have a great sense of humour too.

Charles Ward- Great Ideas Work

Charles Ward- Great Ideas Work


By Gulia Lucci

Charles Ward is uniquely suited to his position at the helm of IWG. With a background in TV news, public relations and advertising in Texas, Ward founded “Idea Works Global” (IWG) in 1980. From then until now, here are a few of his notable accomplishments: He changed the marketing strategies of yachting after raising $16 million in sponsorships to help Skipper Dennis Conner win the ‘America’s Cup Yacht Race in 1987’, in Western Australia. He also executed a cross-marketing strategy that aligned ‘Bombardier Aerospace’ and luxury brands such as ‘Graff Diamonds’, ‘Cartier’, and ‘Rolls-Royce Motor Cars’ to create an annual three-day party held in a hangar where private jets land to deliver business moguls and celebrities to the Super Bowl. He was also recently named the exclusive sponsorship agency for the ‘Federation of International Polo’ (FIP). Represented in 88 countries, FIP’s 19,000+ members include Royals, Generals, Business Executives, and some of the world’s wealthiest individuals. Idea Works Global is a marketing and brand-development firm focused on facilitating strategic partnerships between heritage brands to reach the most affluent connoisseurs of art, autos, fashion, travel, jewelry, spirits and sports.

Tell us about your business and why you started your business in Texas 38 years ago?

We were always interested in luxury products and services and decided to start a company that brings together the wealthiest families and unique luxury brands through strategic alliances. ‘Idea Works Global’ was born with creating corporate partnerships for America’s Cup Yacht Racing.

What has been the biggest challenge you faced as a businessman in Texas and how did you tackle that challenge?

Since we are involved in events around the world, from Australia to Sardinia, sometimes remote co-ordination is a huge challenge. We are constantly learning and improving in this regard.

Who has motivated and inspired you towards success?

I believe some of the entrepreneurs who are our clients continue to inspire me personally and I have learned so much from them in thousands of hours of meetings.

Can you tell us more about your marketing strategies and what is the formula for your international success?

We look for opportunities that are not crowded with competition already. For example, over the past two decades we have achieved an international reputation in marketing strategic alliances for the sport of polo, often overlooked by the major luxury brands. In fact, we’re told we are the only independent company in the USA with a specialty in polo branding. So, we found an incredible niche with practically no competition.

What is your experience of working with women? And what is your opinion about their talents and skills?

Our Houston office had 30 employees: 29 women and me as the only male. I find women more organised and often more creative in the fields of advertising and marketing. It has contributed to our success.

What is special about your lifestyle?

Ah, my lifestyle. It is incredible because our events are in the most desirable resorts of the world and our clients manufacture the largest private jets and most luxurious cars. And that makes up our world.

What ’motto’ in life do you live by?

Always stand for excellence and exceed client expectations and you’ll have business for life.