Life – Global Man

Tony Brown: From Foster Care to CEO – A Journey of Resilience

From an uncertain childhood in foster care to breaking barriers in leadership, Tony Brown’s journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of perseverance. Faced with racism, rejection, and hardship at every turn, he defied the odds to carve out a path to success. His story is not just about survival—it’s about transformation, proving that no matter where you start, you can rise, rebuild, and thrive.

Your early childhood was marked by separation from your birth parents and being fostered by multiple families. How did this experience shape your understanding of identity and belonging?

It was the 50’s and white people seen pushing a pram with a black baby were routinely abused. I arrived at an inconvenient time and as a result was fostered for the first 6 years, eventually with a white Dutch family. My time with them was idyllic and I had 2 older brothers who looked after me, I felt loved. Until the age of 5, I did not know that I was a different colour. Nowadays some do not agree with transracial fostering and adoption saying that it is detrimental to the child’s identity. My view is that love and a feeling of security are more important. Cultural mores can be learned later from a solid foundation. Without this start, I don’t know how I would have dealt with the trauma that came next

The moment in the bath at age five was a heartbreaking yet formative experience. How did that incident influence your perception of self-worth and resilience growing up?

When I was five, I was walking down the road when some children threw stones and me as well as racist abuse. It was a shock to the system, I was confused before it dawned on me that I was a different colour to them. I went home, got in the bath with some scouring powder and a brush, and tried to scrub the ‘colour’ off myself. Luckily, my foster mother came in and stopped me. She told me that I was loved, that those bullies were stupid, and that I was a different colour, but as good as anyone else.

Transitioning from a loving foster home to your birth parents’ household was a drastic change. What were the biggest emotional and cultural challenges you faced, and how did you navigate them?

The first point I would make is that people did the best they could with what they knew at the time, even if it was wrong. We are all a product of our backgrounds. I went from a secure, loving home to a brutal, vicious one. I was hurt, both physically and mentally. I was torn away from a safe environment and put into one where I was scared, and beaten regularly with a belt. This was for not acclimatising quickly enough to different foods, or not understanding my father’s broad patois. It was all too fast, my life felt turned on its head. My father was particularly impatient, strict and brutal, with both myself and my mother. It was only later in life that I came to understand that hurt people hurt people. 

I started primary school and was severely punished if I did not come top of the class if I came home with dirty shoes, or bleeding because I had been bullied. My father’s response was to send me out to fight the bullies and get another beating from him if I lost. I know that was his way of trying to toughen me up in what he saw as a vicious, racist world where he could see nothing good.

You proved your academic abilities despite the negative assessment from your headmaster. How did that early criticism impact your motivation and drive for success? 

I shamed my father still further by failing the 11 plus exam. Furious, he went to my headmaster’s house demanding an explanation as to how this could have occurred. My headmaster responded that I was ‘bright, but not intelligent’, words that infuriated him and impacted me for years. As a result, I was sent away to boarding school. Although I was the only black boy in the school and there was some more bullying, it was a relief to get away from home.

In my first year, I won three academic prizes and I discovered an enjoyment in learning as I could lose myself in it. I was also proving to myself that I was not as stupid as my father and former headmaster had led me to believe.

Racism and discrimination play a significant role in your education and career. What coping mechanisms or strategies did you develop to persist despite these obstacles?

I am always interested in what makes people tick (including me), which is why I did a Psychology degree after leaving school. That was quite a triggering experience as I learned about eugenicists who have a particular view of the world and categorise people according to race and ‘IQ’. It brought back the words of my primary school headmaster who was probably schooled in this line of thought. 

When I was 15, and still at school, I was put on anti-depressants and kept on them for the next 45 years. It is only with hindsight that the role race stereotyping had to play in my treatment became clear. Once a label is applied, even incorrectly, the system, be it education, medical, financial, or penal, is difficult to shift and you are treated accordingly. 

After leaving university I wanted to use my degree in the field of advertising and market research which fascinated me. However, I found myself homeless and jobless. I was escorted out of my local authority housing office by security after being told I was not ‘priority homeless’, and therefore ineligible for housing. Fortunately, after a while, I got together with some other homeless people and set up a short-life housing cooperative which put a roof over my head. 

After numerous applications and interviews with advertising and market research companies in the early eighties, the boss of one of them took me out for a drink. He said I had the right attributes to be an Account Executive, but he could not appoint me because if his clients were prejudiced, he would lose business, and he could not take that risk. He advised me to look for work in another sector. 

One day I went to ‘sign on’ at the Unemployment Benefit Office and was told they had a job for me – on the other side of the counter as a clerk. After a year and a half of trying to understand the labyrinthine benefits system which appeared to be designed to confuse, I found a job advising homeless people, before getting my first job as a Housing Officer with a local authority. Again, I saw a complicated hierarchical system designed to confuse and run by people who had not experienced homelessness, or social housing. 

I naively made it my ambition to climb the greasy pole as quickly as possible to change things. (Be careful what you wish for). I gained the professional qualification and eight years later after 5 promotions was appointed at 34 as the first black Director of Housing with responsibility for 22,000 properties, 500 staff and a multi-million-pound budget. To get there, I had upset successive bosses, (with one exception), who tried to put me off saying I was moving too fast and not ready for the next step. I had upset some because I would not conform to ‘identity’ politics, and others who were racist. One boss in a management team meeting asked me what it was like to be a ‘N’ word. I looked around the table and saw that everyone was studying a microscopic dot on the table when I called him out on it.

One thing I learned from all this is when to pick your battles, and when to bite my tongue. What I found at the top was that every day there were people subtly, or blatantly working against me. I grew eyes in the back of my head and focused on results. Knowing that I would be judged on these I took the department from the bottom to the top of the government league tables. It was stressful. I coped by getting up and running at 5 am and on occasions drinking too much on top of the anti-depressants. At the time I was in an unhappy marriage and things piled up. Inevitably, divorce came next. The judge lowered her glasses and gave 90% to the other party. At the same time, the political administration which had been ‘hung’ for 4 years with ‘no overall control’ changed. Time for retribution, after 7 years in the role I was out of a job, and homeless again. 

Your career journey was filled with resilience, from unemployment to leading housing initiatives. What lessons did you learn about perseverance and adaptability along the way?

I learned that there are some good people in the world, to balance out the others. It’s important to keep an open mind and know that you are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. There will be as many who gravitate towards you as want to bury you. If you keep going doors you never thought would open do, and treat others as best you can, even when they disappoint you. Don’t waste time on vengeance, it sucks your energy. Karma has a way of fixing things, don’t bother doing it yourself. Focus on the end goal. If you lose focus, refocus on the big picture and find purpose in this.

Hitting rock bottom on Christmas Eve 2011 was a pivotal moment in your life. What shifted in your mindset after that experience, and how did you begin rebuilding?

I had several good years as a consultant after my divorce and job loss. I built my way back into solvency, bought a house, and was in another relationship. Then came the 2008 crash and the contracts dried up. By Xmas Eve 2011, I had sold the car, and there was a pile of unpaid bills, disconnection notices, and court dates relating to repossession. There was no food in the fridge, and the person who had been living with me for the past 6 years decided to leave.

I could hear an Xmas party going on next door with Slade’s song blasting through the walls. I had had enough, I had no money and could not see a way out. What I did have was a stash of anti-depressants collected over the years and a couple of cheap bottles of wine. I ran a bath, got in and took swigs of wine between swallowing mouthfuls of pills, intending to never wake up again.

However, I woke up in a locked psychiatric ward in a hospital with no clothes, money or phone, sectioned under the Mental Health Act. I was heavily sedated, but the medics decided that my depression was so intransigent that something more was needed – Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT). They strapped down my arms and legs, put an appliance around my tongue to prevent me from choking on it, injected me, and proceeded to administer the shocks. 

I was told I could not leave until they said I could, and I had no way of contacting anyone to let them know I was there. Fortuitously, I saw an old computer in the corner, went on Facebook and in my drugged-up state recognised the name of an old school friend who I had not seen for about 30 years. I messaged him and instead of deleting, as most would, came and got me out.

On my release, my GP at the time was a wonderful lady who wrote to all my creditors explaining what had happened and bought me some time. A former work colleague (to whom I am now married), turned up on my doorstep – after being told not to come. After a while we got together and I sold my house. We decided to invest in property, went on a course, got a coach and moved up north where property was cheaper. 

Over time, I developed serious back pain – slipped disc, sciatica and arthritis and was taking Tramadol and Gabapentin, very strong painkillers for this. I then developed a prostate issue and ended up on the floor screaming with pain, unable to urinate. I was taken to the hospital where they undertook a very uncomfortable procedure to facilitate this, arranged a biopsy, and gave me more pills. By now I had a pillbox which had my 24 daily pills sectioned off into morning, noon and night.  I asked the doctor what would happen mixing all these different pills and he did not know.

Our property coach was an other-worldly type of person who was into holistic health, mind over matter, and could bend spoons with his mind like Uri Geller. He advised me to stop taking the pills and sent me to see a friend of his who was a kinesiologist. I took my pills to him and he told me that my body did not like any of them. He gave me some vitamins and minerals and I stopped all the medication


I spent 2 months shaking, sweating, hallucinating and feeling like I was going crazy. I rang the kinesiologist back and told him I could not do this and that I needed to go back on the medication. He advised me to get some colonic irrigation to flush my system out quicker. I took his advice and fortuitously the lady who undertook that procedure asked me if I had ever tried Bioresonance. I said I had never heard of it and she gave me the card of a practitioner.

First, he gave me some therapy before my first biopsy, after which the Consultant said he was not sure what was going on but booked me in for a further biopsy in a few weeks. I had some more Bioresonance and after that, the Consultant said that the good news was that I did not have cancer and that he was discharging me. I was delighted with this and went back to the Bioresonance Practitioner and asked if he could fix my back. I had several more sessions and the pain went. I went back to the gym, lost 2 stones, and regained my life.

I was delighted and asked him why more people did not know about this. I then told him we did not want to invest in the property anymore, to get me a Bioresonance device and teach me everything he knew.

The introduction to meditation and metaphysics through your coach marked a new chapter in your journey. How did these practices influence your healing and personal growth?

I realised that there was more to life than that which can be seen with the naked eye. The mind/body connection became so much clearer, as did the effect of our lifestyles, diet, exercise, sleep, hydration and stress – all pillars of the foundation of natural, holistic health. Since then every day has been a school day learning about the root causes of what makes people ill in our technologically advanced society

There have been terrific advances in medical science which are fantastic for emergencies such as accidents, surgery, stem cells and reconstruction. However, as a society, we are over-medicalised and need to focus on holistic methods before moving onto more intrusive pharmacological ones. In future, I hope for an integration of the best of both, it’s not an ‘either/or’ approach.

You have faced financial, emotional, and physical struggles throughout your life. Looking back, what do you believe was the key factor that kept you moving forward?

Focusing on the bigger picture, the result. To do this I have focused on a purpose. At one point it was homelessness, and while I still have input in that area, my main purpose now is health. Currently, in the UK there are now 2.8 million people off work sick. The psychological, physiological, emotional, societal and financial impact of this is massive. 

I would also confess to an element of stubbornness mixed in with the resolve. I don’t like to see injustice, suffering, greed, and indifference.

If you could offer advice to someone currently struggling with depression, financial hardship, or identity crises, what would you say to them based on your own experiences?

Find the root cause first. Depression has an origin, and it’s not a chemical imbalance. People experience trauma at some stage in their lives and carry it. At some stage, it pops out and manifests in one way or another. This then impacts all other areas of life. Sometimes financial hardship is linked to a feeling of not being worthy to have financial stability or abundance, which can be linked to a lack of self-worth. Identity can be linked to how others see us rather than how we see ourselves, or we might internalise others’ perceptions more than our own. It is often easier to go with the crowd rather than forge our path and our own identity, and this takes work. However, I return to the point I made earlier which is that you cannot be everyone’s cup of tea, just be your own.

The Authentic Edge: Andrew Eggelton’s Revolutionary Approach to Presenting

In a world where polished perfection often overshadows true connection, Andrew Eggelton is on a mission to bring a more profound level of authenticity to the stage. Growing up in the rural farmlands of New Zealand, his journey into the arts wasn’t mapped out with a clear purpose, but one thing was certain—acting and presenting were his passions. 

Over three decades, Andrew has honed a unique approach to presenting, one that transcends technical skills and dives deep into the heart of what it means to be truly present. In this exclusive feature, we explore how his philosophy of “energy is information” is transforming the way we connect with audiences, and how he’s helping presenters rediscover their most authentic selves. Ready to unlock your true presence? 

Andrew’s wisdom might just be the key.

Growing up in rural farmland in the South Island of New Zealand, how did your environment shape your early perceptions of creativity and expression?

When I first arrived in the farming area of Otaio in South Canterbury at age 5, there were only 8 kids at the school and my father was my teacher and headmaster.  

There was a lot of space, I could get lost in my imagination, creating imaginary characters to go on adventures, heading off early in the morning with a packed lunch to explore the endless fields, mountains and rivers.  In the 70’s and 80’s you knew it was time to head back to the house once the sun began to disappear.  It was a good time to be a kid.

In the cold winters, I would spend time in the neighbouring school room writing or watching films at home on VHS.  Comedies had the greatest impact on me, Monty Pythons The Holy Grail, Blazing Saddles and Airplane to name a few, I still remember how much my sides hurt from laughing.  These films shaped my humor as an adult and how I express myself from stage and camera now.  I can see that expressing myself through words has been there all along.  I would write long-winded, fun stories that my dad would let me read to the other children and seeing their reactions inspired me further.

Authenticity is at the core of your teaching. How do you define “true authenticity,” and why do you think it’s such a challenge for many presenters?

Authenticity is the thread I can trace throughout my career from day 1 to now, it’s the baseline of my teaching, not the end goal.  I learned to differentiate between ‘just be you’ and true authenticity while filming TV shows.  A director would often say “Andrew, just be you” and of course, I thought I was, but what they meant was they had a specific version of me they wanted, so in time I was able to ask them what version they needed from me, and it was rarely authenticity.

My value is in being able to teach back to other presenters what true authenticity feels like and then more importantly, a process to achieve it in the simplest way possible every time you need it and want it.   

Firstly, there’s the authentic self vs the conditioned self.  The conditioned self is the parts we’ve layered upon ourselves, to project for others to see.  There’s a lovely quote from Michelangelo when he was asked the question ‘How did you create David?’

He replied – “it was easy, all I did was chip away everything that wasn’t David”.

The best presenters have been able to chip away at everything that is not themselves and these things show up when we present, as projections.  We project what we want our audience to see and in most cases, a presenter will unconsciously project likeable, inspiring, smart and confident.  They’re false ideas we have of what we believe the audience wants and then we cater our external expression to them.  

You’ll find that an audience isn’t greatly moved by the act but instead feel greatly more by the purity of the act.  Energy is information.

Presenters have been sold a story that they need to be ‘more’ when on stage and it’s in this attempt to be more that they lose who they truly are.  They attempt to become who they think the audience wants to see; however, an audience doesn’t know what they want, they only know what they’ve seen before and it’s our job to bring something unique to the stage – and every single person is unique when the conditioned self is stripped away.  

If you look at many TEDx talks as an example, they don’t stand out from each other because each speaker is essentially a carbon copy of the last one, the hand gestures, facial expressions and movements far removed from the person they are at home, their range of expression diminished by the act they’ve created that fits their version of what a speaker should look like.  Their story may be different, but it soon gets lost in the standard way it’s delivered.  

You’ve spent over 30 years refining tools for presenters. Can you share an example of one of these tools and how it transforms someone’s presentation style?

I love this question.  I use a few powerful methods, in that they deliver immediate results.  One powerful tool I use is horses (equine-assisted training), and I know that sounds kind of weird but hear me out.  A horse reflects to you exactly how you’re being.  They’re the ultimate authenticity meter, highly sensitive, relational beings who thrive on connection – sounds like a presenter right?  They mirror our inner states and will show you without fail or care who you’re being or when you’re hiding behind a mask. It can be both brutal in its honesty and the most beautiful and powerful experience of your life.  Authenticity is a feeling so when you figure out what that feels like you can never go back.  

One other tool I use is a process that a presenter goes through to ensure that who they are off stage is seamlessly transitioned to who they are on stage.  This is step 1 of my methodology and is ‘no change of state’.  It shows a presenter that the magic today will come from who they are right now instead of wrestling with another version of themselves that they think will serve them better.  Each different state you’re in will influence another version of your truth, you’ll articulate it differently.  You’ll get new insights depending on what state you’re in – so today is always the day when the magic happens.  Ask yourself, when you’re presenting do you want certainty, or do you want to create magic?

In your experience, how has the art of presenting evolved over the years, especially in an era of digital platforms and virtual connections?

I look at this from my point of view of how much presenting has changed during the 30 years I’ve been in the arts.  From a craft point of view, my honest answer is, very little.  Presenting is still seen as an act and people aspire to be storytellers or wisdom sharers, but very few have the skills to curate a truly memorable experience.  

Most speaker coaches share technical tools that should only be, as most rules are, guiding principles.  We’ve ended up with so many cookie-cutter approaches to presenting with the majority trying to figure out what their story is.  I believe that if you’re good at your craft you don’t have to have a story to be memorable.

I talk about redefining what world-class presenting looks like moving away from the age of information to the age of connection, and making our presentations more impactful because they’re an external expression of our true inner world.  I want to see presenters build experiences and connections with their audience.

Experiences teach more than words and I think the question before you begin is, “What kind of experience do I want to have with my audience?”  Then the building blocks to create are easier to find and learn.  Maybe, you don’t even need a story. 

Although nothing beats an in-person experience we do now have the availability to build relationships, and connections and share virtually.  What a time to be alive, right?  In the past I used to fly anywhere I needed, to work with the best and now we have the option of not even leaving home.  The idea bores the hell out of me but it’s handy, enables a worldwide audience and I know others love it.

To begin with, people were taking TV presenting skills and directly translating that to Zoom or social media lives and it didn’t work, you’re not meant to barrel the camera for 5-10 mins at a time and speak like you’ve had 5 coffees, but this is progressing.  A rule of thumb is if you find your energy is depleted after a Zoom session or creating a video, you’ve likely been pushing it and moving away from what should be the most effortless delivery ever – ‘conversational reality’.

How do you envision the future of presenting and the role of authenticity in a fast-paced, tech-driven world?  

You can create change as fast as you want but some things stay the same and one thing is going to be connection.  People crave connection and something I’ve noticed now that we all have so much access to being ‘visible’ is that words without intention and authenticity lack believability and impact.  

You see this in my live events when someone first speaks, most of the time the audience isn’t moved, as though the words were empty, but with a little feedback the words feel more layered, they have more weight to them, as though they now have a little ‘you’ attached to them.

Your delivery attracts your audience so if it’s not congruent with you then prepare to attract the wrong kind of people.  I’m taking a punt that the busier we all get and the more ‘content’ that is put in front of us, the very best leaders will be the ones who can connect the most with their audience, teams and clients.  

If you could design a workshop for children to teach them the foundations of authenticity and connection, what would it look like, and why would starting young matter?

There’s a saying in TV and film – never share the screen with either a child or an animal because they both have the capability of stealing the show.  They’re both unpredictable, spontaneous and truthful and that’s glorious to watch when in action. 

Designing a workshop for kids is beyond my expertise, and while I ran one in 2015 it was my first and it was my last.  During the lunch break, I called in my mother as backup, who like Dad, was a schoolteacher and handled it with ease while I vowed never again!

One thing I would love young adults to be taught before they leave school is the different styles of communication people have, we’re all predictably different.  I know that learning this would make a world of difference in their lives and set them up in life to be more effective communicators. 

Over time we create the many versions of ourselves we believe the world wants to see, which ends up being the conditioned self.  Effectively that’s what I must undo when clients come to me.  Perhaps, It would be great if children weren’t taught to project to please, but how do we do that when it’s become so ingrained in our culture?  

Can you share a moment from your career when a client’s transformation deeply moved you or changed the way you approach your work?

It was at a retreat I ran in Portugal, we were doing a future pacing meditation exercise so the attendees could see what the greatest version of themselves looked and sounded like on stage.  I music producer had worked with me on a 12-minute track that elevated them via 3 separate peaks, the 3rd being the apex that really set them free from their current version of themselves.  I’ve learned to choose with intention how I want my words to sound, and how I want them to be received and felt.  I had practised it over the year while touring and was getting great results, but this one was the start of something different and unexpected.

This attendee really ‘went there’ and I could see he was going to need some space to come back and ground.  My assistant and I cleared the room and when the time felt right, I asked him what he had seen, through tears of joy his response was “I saw exactly where I’m going to be in 6 years and my family is going to be ok, I can see what I have to do next”.  

He was never going to approach another day the same after that experience and I began to trust that the work I was doing expanded beyond presenting.   

From Humble Beginnings to Global Influence: The Inspiring Journey of Dr. Daniel Moses

Dr. Daniel Moses is a visionary leader who epitomizes resilience, innovation, and purpose-driven success. Hailing from Edo State, Nigeria, and embarking on a transformative journey to the United Kingdom, he turned adversity into opportunity, redefining the property and business sectors along the way. As the CEO of Property Wealth Corporation (PWC), Dr. Moses leads a dynamic ecosystem dedicated to empowering individuals through property investment, education, and wealth creation.

With a personal property portfolio exceeding £7 million and a profound commitment to mentoring others, Dr Moses has impacted over 1,000 lives, enabling generational wealth and creating a legacy of empowerment. Recognized nationally and internationally, his achievements have earned him accolades in CEO Magazine, the Forbes Business Council, and more. From battling challenges as an Uber driver in 2015 to engaging with world leaders and dignitaries, his journey is a testament to the power of faith, vision, and determination.

Join us as we explore the extraordinary story of Dr. Daniel Moses—a man who turned his dreams into reality and inspired others to do the same.

What motivated you to transition from beginning in Edo State, Nigeria, to pursuing opportunities in the United Kingdom after graduating from the University of Benin in 2004?

My journey from Edo State to the United Kingdom was fueled by a profound desire for growth and global exposure. While graduating from the University of Benin was a proud milestone, I envisioned a life where I could leverage international opportunities to create impact back home and beyond. The UK presented a platform for greater learning, a more competitive environment, and the chance to build a legacy that intertwines my Nigerian roots with global influence. 

How have you demonstrated resilience and fortitude throughout your journey, particularly during challenging periods such as driving for Uber and battling anxiety and depression in 2015?

 Resilience has been both a necessity and a gift. In 2015, when I found myself driving for Uber and facing intense battles with anxiety and depression, I leaned heavily on faith, self-discipline, and a clear vision of the future I wanted to build. Each ride was a reminder of the potential within me, and each day was an opportunity to rewrite my story. I didn’t allow circumstances to define me; instead, I used them as fuel to step into property investment and entrepreneurship, ultimately transforming challenges into stepping stones. 

Could you outline the various ventures within the Property Wealth Corporation (PWC) conglomerate, and how each contributes to your vision of empowering individuals in the property and business sectors?

 Property Wealth Corporation is a consortium of companies with a unified mission: to empower individuals in property and business. Each arm contributes uniquely: 

Property Wealth Capital focuses on raising funds and facilitating investments for property acquisitions and developments. 

Property Wealth and Business Club equips members with education, mentorship, and access to strategic networks to build wealth through real estate.

PWC Commercials develops high-yield commercial property conversions.

Property Wealth Academy delivers structured training programs for aspiring investors. 

PWC Rent Guarantee Solutions provides landlords with peace of mind through secure rent guarantee insurance. 

Together, these ventures form an ecosystem that simplifies property investment and wealth creation, fostering long-term impact for individuals and communities.

Property Wealth Capital aims to reach £100 million by 2033. What strategies or investments are driving this growth, and how does it align with the overall objectives of the Property Wealth ecosystem?

 To reach £100 million, we focus on: 

1. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with investors, financial institutions, and development experts. 

2. Commercial Conversions: Identifying properties with high-yield potential for transformation. 

3. Creative Financing: Leveraging joint ventures and other innovative funding models. 

4. Market Research: Continuously exploring emerging markets and opportunities, especially across Africa and the UK. 

This strategy aligns seamlessly with our goal of empowering individuals while creating a sustainable, scalable investment model that leaves a legacy. 

Describe the Wealth Circle Community and its significance within your initiatives. How does it facilitate the cultivation of wealth and investment opportunities for its members?

The Wealth Circle Community was an intensive program designed to guide members through practical steps in property investment. It offered mentorship, networking opportunities, and real-time access to strategies that turned ideas into action. Many members successfully transitioned into property ownership, raised private capital, and scaled their portfolios. Though it has evolved into the Property Wealth and Business Club, the foundational principles remain: providing resources and a supportive community to cultivate generational wealth. 

As a prominent figure in the UK’s property and business realm, you have touched the lives of over 1,000 individuals. Can you elaborate on the methods and platforms through which you impart your knowledge and expertise to aspiring entrepreneurs and investors? 

I connect with aspiring entrepreneurs and investors through multiple platforms: 

1. Masterclasses and Webinars: Covering topics like property investment, creative financing, and market analysis. 

2. Books and Publications: Sharing actionable insights through my Amazon best-sellers. 

3. Podcast Hosting: Bringing thought leaders and success stories to inspire my audience.

4. Speaking Engagements: Keynotes and panels that empower individuals globally.

5. The Property Wealth and Business Club: Offering ongoing mentorship and accountability to members. 

My approach ensures that individuals not only learn but are equipped to take action. 

You are recognized not only for your professional achievements but also for your contributions to your family and community. How do you balance your roles as a business leader, mentor, and family man while maintaining your values and faith? 

Balance comes from prioritization and intentionality. My family is my cornerstone, and I make time for them amidst a busy schedule. My faith guides my decisions, ensuring my work aligns with my core values of integrity, humility, and service. Delegating to capable team members allows me to focus on mentoring and leading while staying rooted in family and community commitments. 

In what capacity have you engaged with esteemed dignitaries, including former heads of state and UK Prime Ministers, and how have these interactions shaped your professional trajectory and the reach of Property Wealth Corporation? 

Collaborating with global leaders has broadened my perspective and elevated Property Wealth Corporation’s vision. For example, my discussions with dignitaries at the House of Commons and during African development panels have reinforced the importance of ethical leadership in wealth creation. These interactions have also opened doors to initiatives like public-private partnerships and cross-border investments, expanding PWC’s impact. 

What distinguishes you as an award-winning entrepreneur nationally and internationally, and how have your accomplishments been recognized by platforms such as CEO Magazine and Forbes Business Council? 

My ability to transform challenges into opportunities and create sustainable business models has earned recognition. Platforms like CEO Magazine and Forbes Business Council have highlighted my contributions to ethical leadership, innovation in property investment, and mentorship. Awards like International Business and Property Developer of the Year reflect not just my achievements but the ripple effect of empowering others to succeed. 

Could you provide insights into your educational background and how your doctorate in Philosophy, focusing on Christian Leadership, informs your approach to business and mentorship within the Property Wealth Corporation ecosystem? 

My doctorate in Philosophy, focusing on Christian Leadership, underpins my business ethos. It emphasizes servant leadership, ethical decision-making, and a faith-based approach to challenges. These principles guide my mentorship style, ensuring that PWC is not just about profits but also purpose, community impact, and legacy-building.

The Modern Man’s Wellness Playbook: Balancing Strength, Mind, and Soul

Today’s global man is juggling the pressures of work, relationships, and personal aspirations in an ever-connected, fast-paced world. Yet, amidst the grind, wellness often takes a back seat. What does it mean to be truly well in this modern age? This article redefines wellness for men, offering a fresh perspective on balancing physical strength, mental clarity, and emotional resilience.

Today’s global man stands at an unprecedented crossroads of challenge and opportunity. The digital revolution has transformed how we work, connect, and perceive ourselves, creating a landscape where personal wellness is both more critical and more complicated than ever before.

Wellness is no longer a simplistic equation of physical fitness or professional success. It’s a multidimensional construct that integrates mental health, emotional intelligence, physical resilience, and spiritual alignment. The modern man must become a holistic architect of his own well-being, consciously crafting strategies that address the interconnected aspects of his life.

Physical Strength: Beyond the Gym

The cornerstone of men’s wellness has long been physical fitness, but the modern approach goes beyond biceps and bench presses. Holistic physical health includes mobility, flexibility, and endurance, alongside traditional strength. Try integrating functional fitness practices like yoga, Pilates, or martial arts to complement weight training. These activities enhance posture, prevent injuries, and increase overall agility—making you not just strong, but adaptable.

Quick Tip: Incorporate active recovery days with stretching or a brisk walk outdoors. It’s a simple yet effective way to build consistency and longevity in your fitness routine.

  1. Mental Clarity: Mastering Focus in a Distracted World

From demanding careers to 24/7 connectivity, distractions are everywhere. Cultivating mental clarity requires intentional habits that create space for focus and calm. Practices like mindfulness meditation, journaling, or even unplugging from technology for a set period daily can sharpen your mental edge.

Neuroscientists suggest that as little as 10 minutes of meditation per day can significantly improve concentration and lower stress levels. Download an app like Insight Timer or Calm to get started.

  1. Emotional Resilience: Breaking the Silence

For generations, men have been conditioned to suppress their emotions, equating vulnerability with weakness. However, true emotional wellness lies in embracing your feelings and building resilience. Open up to trusted friends, consider therapy as a tool for growth, or engage in reflective practices like gratitude journaling.

 “Resilience isn’t about avoiding pain; it’s about learning how to bounce back stronger,” says Dr. James Carter, a psychologist specializing in men’s health.

Modern wellness transcends individual experience. It’s interconnected with broader societal shifts—challenging traditional masculinity paradigms, recognizing mental health’s importance, and understanding that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.

For today’s global man, wellness is a dynamic, personalized journey. It demands courage to look inward, commitment to growth, and the wisdom to understand that true strength lies in balance, not isolation.

The path isn’t about achieving a predetermined ideal, but continuously aligning with one’s most authentic, vibrant self—navigating life’s complexities with intention, resilience, and grace.

Wellness isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey—it’s about finding what works for you and committing to small, consistent improvements. Start by picking one area—physical, mental, or emotional—and make a micro-change today. True strength comes from not just building your body but also nurturing your mind and soul. As a global man, leading a life of balance and intention isn’t just an option; it’s your greatest power.

Mastering the Art of Networking: The Key to Unlocking Personal and Business Success

By Ian Speirs, director of Global Man

Networking is an essential part of both personal and business growth. It can open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and ideas, but mastering the art of networking requires more than just exchanging business cards. At Global Man’s recent event, we had an insightful discussion on this topic, and one point stood out: the challenge of maintaining a balance between deep connections and making the most of the room full of potential new contacts.

One of our members raised an interesting dilemma—he often makes a great connection early on during networking events. Still, he spends the rest of the time with that person, fearing it would be impolite to end the conversation and meet others. While it’s great to connect, this approach might cause you to miss out on other valuable opportunities in the room.

Here’s where we need to flip the script. Networking is about creating value for all parties involved, and to do that effectively, it’s important to use your time wisely. Here are some actionable tips on how to network effectively without missing out.

3 Steps to Effective Networking

1. Acknowledge the Connection
When you’ve made a strong connection, acknowledge it! Let the person know that you value the interaction and that you’re excited about exploring potential opportunities together in the future. This lays a positive foundation.

2. Respect the Networking Space
Explain that you both are at the event to meet others and maximize networking opportunities. It’s important to meet a variety of people, and it’s likely they feel the same way. By taking the lead in this, you’re setting a respectful boundary while keeping the conversation open for future follow-up.

3. Commit to Following Up
Make a commitment to reconnect after the event. Exchange contact information or schedule a time to continue the conversation when there’s no pressure to network. This shows you’re serious about fostering the relationship, and it allows you to meet other potential connections at the event without guilt.

More often than not, the person you’re talking to will appreciate your initiative. Closing the conversation with grace and a clear intention to follow up leaves a positive impression and frees up time for both of you to expand your networks.

What Not to Do When Networking

Now that we’ve covered effective techniques, it’s equally important to know what not to do in networking situations:

Don’t monopolize someone’s time. Once you’ve made a solid connection, lingering too long can leave both parties missing out on other opportunities.

Don’t make it all about you. Networking is about building mutually beneficial relationships. Ask questions, show genuine interest in others, and focus on how you can provide value to them as well.

Don’t rush the conversation. While it’s important to move on and meet others, don’t cut the conversation short too abruptly. Always make sure there’s a natural close and a commitment to follow up.

The Importance of a Supportive Network

Networking is about more than just meeting new people; it’s about building a community. By joining a network of like-minded individuals, like the one we have at Global Man, you gain access to a powerful support system that encourages growth, accountability, and learning.

At Global Man, we offer high-quality networking and mastermind experiences that provide not just connections, but meaningful relationships with individuals who are serious about personal and business success. Being part of such a community accelerates growth, provides invaluable resources, and opens doors that might otherwise remain closed.

Why Join Global Man?

High-Quality Networking: Connect with successful and driven individuals who share your goals and mindset.

Mastermind Opportunities: Join masterminds that offer insight, accountability, and support in tackling your biggest challenges.

Personal & Business Growth: Surround yourself with those who inspire and push you to achieve more.

If you’re looking to grow both personally and professionally, there’s no better time to invest in your network. Join Global Man today and gain access to a world-class community of like-minded individuals dedicated to success. Don’t just meet people—build lasting, valuable connections that will elevate you and your business to new heights.

Ready to take your networking to the next level? Visit us at Global Man to learn more and become part of our thriving community!

Gazmend Abrashi: The Man Who Challenges Success

Gazmend Abrashi is a well-known entrepreneur in Kosovo, with a career spanning over 30 years, leading several successful businesses in various activities in Kosovo, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Exclusive Group is the group of companies he has established and led over the years, engaging in distribution, wholesale and retail trade, manufacturing, and recently, investing in the entrepreneurial residential complex in Gjilan, Monopol City. A highly energetic personality, a qualified economist who, for a time, challenged himself even in politics, serving as a member of the Kosovo Parliament and Coordinator of Kosovo in the Regional Cooperation Council of Western Balkan countries. He also serves as the Honorary Consul of Montenegro in Kosovo. He is well-regarded as an expert in macroeconomic development, offering necessary solutions for Kosovo’s economic development.

As a politician, a businessman, a teacher—how do all these roles align and merge within you?

For many years, my profile has been shaped around entrepreneurship. As a young person, I found myself in the business sphere, working initially as a sales agent and establishing my first business in 1989. My engagement in politics came as a call to contribute, particularly in the economic development sphere. It was a challenging and fascinating experience, demanding a lot of dedication. Being a member of parliament, despite the differing public perception, I can tell you it’s a full-time job and even beyond that for those aiming to work and contribute to the advancement of society beyond the Parliament’s halls. I performed this role with the utmost dedication. I don’t see myself as a politician. I’m an entrepreneur willing to put my knowledge and experience at the service of the country when needed and required.

What do you consider the pinnacle in your life, career, and personal journey?

Principally, one must engage and work towards their goals. The pinnacle moments differ based on the priorities at the time. I was raised in a family where education was a priority, and certainly, the attainment of education was an achievement. The successful start and development of my business have also been an achievement, which challenges me even today. Becoming a father was another pivotal moment for me, and it continues with the unique moments of witnessing my children’s growth and accomplishments. Every beautiful moment shared with family and colleagues creates pivotal points, which, together with the lesser ones, shape life’s reality.

Is it relatively more challenging to do politics or business in Kosovo?

Kosovo emerged from war, facing and continuing to face numerous difficulties. Surviving Milosevic’s apartheid and experiencing and enduring the challenges of building a new state has not been easy for any Kosovo citizen. Difficulties have been everywhere, and there are still challenges that need to be overcome. Each profession has its difficulties; doing politics and doing business are not comparable. These two professions are significantly different; their approaches, challenges, and responsibilities create the distinction.

For an entrepreneur who seems to only know success, how has this career been for you?

A lot of work, courage, and determination to achieve the set goals before oneself, and certainly, a select team of colleagues who, together, aim to achieve our aspirations. Looking back, I realize I never stopped, even when facing seemingly insurmountable difficulties. I’ve had the will and motivated my team to overcome obstacles. A career spanning over 30 years filled with a lot of work, professional and personal challenges, and satisfaction.

What do you consider your greatest pride in entrepreneurship?

My people, my colleagues with whom I’ve worked for years, some of whom are now retiring. I believe the strength of the company lies in the team—the staff that takes responsibility to achieve our set goals and believes in the leader’s vision. Today, Exclusive Group has around 600 employees, and they are the main asset making the company successful, something that makes me proud.

It seems you’ve experienced various dimensions of success. Is there still something you haven’t tasted as success?

I don’t grapple with the concept of success; what challenges me is the work and dedication to reach the set target, the defined goal. Success is never absent when you have the right commitment and necessary work towards the set goal. I consider a beautiful day spent with my children in Ulcinj a success because we all dedicated ourselves to gathering and spending time together. Success is a spiritual emotion, not material.

As a fulfilled person, do you have advice for young people who often desire to leave the country?

Follow your dreams, and seek opportunities to realize these dreams, but be aware that no one else will fulfil your dreams for you. Each goal you set for yourself must be achieved with a lot of work and dedication, knowing clearly where your destination lies. Even choosing to leave the country requires significant commitment to learn the language, have a profession, and have the determination to adapt to new circumstances without the comfort you have in your own country. I strongly believe Kosovo is a land of opportunities. Let’s hope we overcome these political difficulties and focus on the economic development of the country to ensure a land of opportunities for the younger generations, enabling them to see possibilities and a future in our country. The entrepreneurial spirit of our citizens is admirable, and with fewer opportunities, they will find their place in our economy. It remains a leadership obligation to create a favourable economic environment for this entrepreneurial spirit to flourish in the right direction.

Gazmend and family – what is your role within the family, and how involved are you at home? Are you one of those heads of the family where work ends when you arrive home, or do you continue work at home?

Despite numerous obligations at work, I try to be as close to my family as possible. I have three children: Astrit, 27 years old, Art, 21 years old, and my daughter Arba, 15 years old. I strive to be close to them, understand their world, and support them on their journey. All three have their obligations and concerns, but they know they can always count on their father. If the question pertains to whether there are “men’s work” and “women’s work,” and whether I have hesitations or prejudices? No. I was raised by my mother, Bahtije, a woman dedicated to societal emancipation, along with my sister Linda, who has been by my side throughout life, in a family where the organization of work and management of family obligations were evenly distributed among all. Only by doing so could we be successful.

Do you have a motto, a character, or a story that identifies you?

The role model in my life is my father, Aziz Abrashi, one of Kosovo’s most distinguished economists, a man with high human virtues who, at the most crucial times for Kosovo, led the Trepça Complex, which at that time employed over 20,000 people. Next year will mark ten years since my father passed away. He still enjoys the memories and respect of those who knew him for his dedication to work, professionalism, contribution, and his vision for Kosovo’s economic development. He continues to be my role model to this day. As for my motto, it stands at the entrance of the company alongside the management mottos: “There are no impregnable fortresses, only weak generals.”

Scaling Success: How Chris Reynolds Empowers Entrepreneurs Globally

Chris Reynolds is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience in building and scaling online businesses that empower fellow entrepreneurs. As the co-founder of M3 Founders Community, he has cultivated a peer network of top-tier business owners, driving innovation and growth within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Over the past eight years, Chris has launched 10 international business accelerators, providing crucial support to startups and established companies alike. He is also the visionary behind The Business Method Podcast, which he founded in 2015 and has since grown to over 600 episodes, featuring interviews with billionaires and founders of billion-dollar companies. Currently based in Barcelona, Chris has embraced the life of a location-independent entrepreneur for more than 11 years, living in various countries and travelling the world while expanding his ventures. His commitment to fostering entrepreneurial success globally has made him a pivotal figure in the business community. Through his work, Chris continues to inspire and guide entrepreneurs to achieve their fullest potential. With a deep passion for entrepreneurship and a global perspective, Chris Reynolds is redefining what it means to build and scale successful businesses in the digital age.

With over 14 years of entrepreneurial experience, what key principles have guided you in successfully scaling multiple businesses?

Commitment and consistency. You don’t fail when a business fails; you fail when you give up. Period. As long as you don’t give up, you’re not going to fail. It may take longer due to the business or niche you’ve chosen, but if you stay consistent and keep plugging away, you’ll make a significant impact. Business is a compound interest game—the more you compound your learnings, experience, and skillset, the more valuable you’ll become, and the more you can apply this to the business world to achieve success. Most entrepreneurs who have hit seven figures or higher have put in a decade of effort, and that’s often what stops people from truly trying to start a business or stick with it. It typically takes 10 years or more to make a million dollars.

How did your journey as a location-independent entrepreneur begin, and what motivated you to maintain this lifestyle for over 11 years?

Simply put, I read The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss, which is the bible for many location-independent entrepreneurs. It inspired me to live anywhere in the world while working, making money, and building a business online. This kind of freedom is unique to our generation—previous generations couldn’t work anywhere in the world like we do today. When I read the book, I knew this was going to be my life. I first read it in 2009, and I immersed myself in its ideas. I knew I was going to build something online, travel the world, and live abroad. For about nine years, this lifestyle was natural to me. I stayed in places where other location-independent entrepreneurs gathered, like Thailand, Rio de Janeiro, Barcelona, Lisbon, and Bulgaria. COVID put a pause on my travels, leading me to stay in Austin, Texas, for two years. For those nine years, it never felt difficult to maintain this lifestyle—it was just natural, and I felt deeply connected to the global community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

What inspired you to co-found the M3 Founders Community, and how has this peer network evolved since its inception?

M3 started as a mastermind group during COVID-19, which we initially called the Corona Crisis Mastermind. Seventy-two people signed up, and we supported them through the challenges of the pandemic. We saw the inside of businesses as they were failing, and how these entrepreneurs needed to shift. We witnessed the raw emotions of people struggling during that time. After running that mastermind, we decided to formalize it into a more structured community, which eventually evolved into what we now call M3. The community grew as people wanted to connect more regularly and meet face-to-face. Our first live event was something really unique—a kidnapping survival course used to train the FBI, CIA, Navy SEALs, and other high-profile individuals. This experience bonded our group, and we realized we had something special. Now, M3 hosts two events per year: one adventurous, like booking a desert camp in Morocco or renting out yachts in Cabo San Lucas, and the second event focused on learning from and meeting someone who has built a billion-dollar company. We also hold monthly dinners in Barcelona, where we connect seasoned entrepreneurs and they can bond over a dinner designed to deepen the attendee’s connections.

You’ve created 10 international business accelerators over the past eight years. What are the most critical factors for a business accelerator’s success, and how do you ensure these factors are met?

The success of a business accelerator depends on creating the right environment—both physical and emotional. It’s like putting bumpers on a bowling alley or setting parameters for a child; you need to create an environment where participants can get into the right headspace to achieve significant results in a short period. This includes choosing a location that energizes and inspires entrepreneurs. For instance, we often chose Thailand—a place known for adventure and escape. Entrepreneurs love the idea of an adventurous getaway where they can focus on their business while also enjoying the local culture, like visiting elephants, climbing mountains, or exploring Buddhist temples. Accountability is key—we had participants report their results daily, work in teams, and push each other to move the needle in their businesses. The final 48 hours of these events were always the most intense, with incredible results achieved due to the hive energy, motivation, and collective effort. These experiences were incredibly rewarding, and I thoroughly enjoyed running these accelerators.

The Business Method Podcast has over 600 episodes featuring interviews with billionaires and founders of billion-dollar companies. What has been the most surprising or impactful lesson you’ve learned from your guests?

That’s a tough question because, with so many interviews, there are countless golden nuggets. But if I had to sum it up, I’d say the most impactful lessons are: do something you love, give your business time to mature, and focus on one thing. First, if you build something you don’t love just for the money, you’re going to burn out or want to exit eventually. I always ask myself if I can see myself running a business for the next 10 years. If the answer is yes, then it is much more likely it is something I truly love. Second, it takes years to grow a business. Many entrepreneurs exit prematurely and don’t give their businesses the time they need to reach their full potential. Just like a child, there are many phases in the growth of a business, and each phase compounds the last. A business that is over 10 years old can often harvest so many more rewards than a younger business. Lastly, focus is crucial—every billion-dollar founder I’ve interviewed has blinders on, focusing on one business and one business only. While some entrepreneurs are truly serial entrepreneurs and thrive on juggling multiple ventures, those who focus on one business often see it scale much faster.

How has the landscape of online entrepreneurship changed since you first started, and what emerging trends do you believe will shape the future of this space?

The landscape has changed dramatically. When I started as an entrepreneur around 2007, we didn’t even have smartphones—we were using Blackberries. The release of smartphones has completely transformed the way we do business, work, live, and travel. With a smartphone, we can access our money, book flights, find directions, and handle all aspects of travel and business on the go. This has made location-independent work much easier. Post-COVID, remote work has become the norm, and more people are working from home or other remote locations. The trend towards freelancing and entrepreneurship will only continue as people seek more freedom and flexibility. The world is moving faster than ever, and while it’s exciting, it’s also a bit daunting. But I believe we’ll adapt and thrive in this new era. More and more people will become freelancers and entrepreneurs as they pursue the freedom to live and work wherever they choose.

What challenges have you encountered while managing businesses across different countries, and how did you navigate the complexities of a location-independent lifestyle?

Managing businesses across different countries comes with unexpected challenges, often related to cultural differences. For instance, in Brazil, it was incredibly difficult to get things done on time, which drove me nuts as an American. In Peru, I sometimes wouldn’t get a response to essential emails for seven to 10 days, which was frustrating. The first time I hosted an event in Brazil, I promised myself I’d never go back, but I was convinced to return twice after that. It was a struggle, but I had to learn to adapt and accept the cultural norms of the locals I was working with. When you learn to accept and understand these cultural norms doing business there becomes so much easier and enjoyable. Thailand was fantastic to host events because the people there are very respectful and business-oriented. You need to understand that things are done differently in different places, and if you can’t be flexible and tolerant, then international business might not be for you. But if you can adapt, you’ll learn a lot and grow from the experience.

As someone deeply involved in the entrepreneurial community, what common traits or habits have you noticed among the most successful entrepreneurs you’ve worked with or interviewed?

Successful entrepreneurs are committed, capable of taking big risks, and focused on the long haul. They are value-driven and have the resilience to handle the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. They also surround themselves with ethical, like-minded people who share their values. Managing and mitigating risk is essential, and so is the willingness to invest time and energy into a business for the long term. These traits, combined with a love for learning and growth, are what set successful entrepreneurs apart.

How do you balance the demands of hosting a podcast, running businesses, and maintaining a dynamic lifestyle across various countries?

For me, it’s all one thing—I call it my life. I love creating content and organizing events where entrepreneurs can connect, change their lives, and make lasting memories. I love running businesses, starting new ventures, and helping people grow their businesses. I also enjoy travelling to unique locations for business conferences, whether it’s in Estonia, Chiang Mai, or a remote part of Europe. Of course, balancing time and energy is crucial. I’m selective about the people I spend time with and very particular about my goals. Every quarter, I set four goals: mental (related to business), physical (health), emotional (relationships), and spiritual (purpose). This approach ensures that no area of my life is neglected and keeps me excited and challenged. It has kept my life in balance for a long time.

What advice would you give to entrepreneurs who aspire to build and scale their businesses while maintaining a location-independent lifestyle like yours?

Start yesterday, and if you didn’t, then start today. I recommend reading The Entrepreneurial Leap by Gino Wickman and The Star Principle by Richard Koch. These books will help you determine if you’re truly an entrepreneur and guide you in choosing the right business. Selecting the right business is crucial—it’s the difference between feeling like you’re pushing a boulder uphill versus having the wind at your back. Once you’ve decided that entrepreneurship is your path, think long-term. Ask yourself if you can see yourself working in this business 10 years from now and still be happy. If the answer is yes, then it’s worth pursuing.

For aspiring location-independent entrepreneurs, my advice is simple: book a ticket. Once you make that leap, the rest will fall into place. In today’s world, it’s easier than ever to fix mistakes or adjust plans. The likelihood that you will get stuck or stranded somewhere where you couldn’t get yourself out of is very small, so just go for it. When I started, I wasn’t making a ton of money, but I booked a one-way ticket to Costa Rica and figured the rest out along the way. It was the most life-changing decision I made, and something I’ll never regret. It set the stage for the incredible journey I’ve been on ever since. So, pick a destination—whether it’s Scandinavia, Africa, Southeast Asia, or anywhere else you’ve dreamed of—and just go. You’ll figure out everything else along the way!

A Taste of Elegance: Chef Alfred Marku’s Albanian Cuisine Transformation

Chef Alfred Marku has become a luminary in the culinary world, revolutionizing Albanian gastronomy by transforming traditional dishes into gourmet masterpieces. His journey began in Italy, where he honed his skills and developed a deep appreciation for the art of cooking. After gaining valuable experience and expertise, he returned to Albania and has been at the helm of his own restaurant for the past 17 years. Chef Marku’s innovative approach and commitment to excellence have brought a sophisticated flair to Albanian cuisine, earning him international acclaim. His restaurant, Rapsodia, near Shengjin Beach, has become a beacon of culinary excellence, attracting food enthusiasts from around the globe. By seamlessly blending traditional Albanian ingredients with modern techniques, Chef Marku has created a unique dining experience that celebrates the rich heritage of his homeland. His dedication to nurturing the next generation of culinary talent and promoting sustainable agriculture further solidifies his impact on the industry. Through his passion and creativity, Chef Alfred Marku continues to elevate Albanian cuisine to new heights, inspiring others to explore and appreciate its flavors.

Chef Marku, can you share your journey from Italy back to Albania and how your experiences in Italy influenced your culinary style?

The return was almost sudden. I went to Italy at a very young age, like all young Albanian immigrants, who crossed the sea to get to know a world that had been denied to them. I was 15 years old and I started with the most menial jobs, washing dishes and everything else I was given until I managed to work as a chef and successfully passed a Michelin inspection in the restaurant where I worked. I had discovered a new culinary world, which built my work culture and a clear vision of what I wanted and knew how to do best.

With this new luggage and with my mind towards Albania, I suddenly decided to return.

In 2006, I opened my restaurant “Rapsodia” in Shengjin. The first impact was very wild. I had returned with the thought that I was going home, but it was not the home I left and I had changed as well.

During the first 6 months, I worked without a menu at all, I cooked whatever the customers asked; I wanted to understand the tastes and preferences they had. I realized that very little, to say nothing, had changed in the food tastes of the Albanian public. I had to change the approach: the public had to be exposed to new tastes, to a new eating culture that relied on quality and not quantity. I started cooking what I liked, having in mind what a real restaurant should offer. Once I prepared an ice cream with shrimp and chocolate. As I offered it to customers to try, I asked them what they thought it was made with. I heard all kinds of thoughts, but no one identified the ingredients. I will never forget how surprised they were. I wanted to stir their thoughts on food; I didn’t mind them insulting me, but they had to engage in discussions, I wanted them to talk about my approach to recipes. When I was offering gourmet to them, it was a time when the concept wasn’t even on the table. 

What inspired you to transform traditional Albanian dishes into gourmet masterpieces, and what challenges did you face in this creative process?

It has been a long but steady process of development. I started with Italian cuisine, the one I cooked in Italy, in high-end restaurants. Meanwhile, every day I was rediscovering the Albanian ingredients and the full, lively taste they had. That’s how I started to make them part of the recipes and introduce them to the menu.

However, it didn’t stop there. I delved into learning more about the Albanian culinary tradition; I was 15 years old, and I didn’t know any of our traditional recipes. I was left with the tastes and aromas I loved from my childhood. This memory awakened my interest to experiment more, and it turned into my challenge: to bring back in a new, modern form the dishes loved by Albanians. I had to bring them finer, more beautiful, but keeping the taste clean. In short: a traditional dish had to come like love at first sight.

We’ve brought the classics: pilaf and baked fish casserole, taskebab, cheesecake, stuffed peppers, cornbread, roast beef, ground-aged cow’s cheese, cauliflower pie, chicory flower, pumpkin pie, and more. This was my challenge, and I believe I succeeded, customers come because they know that in Rapsodi they find the traditional taste of the Albanian family, elegantly presented in a gourmet format.

Your restaurant, Rapsodia, has been a cornerstone of the local gastronomic scene for 17 years. What do you believe is the secret to its enduring success?

Yes, it has, and I’m so proud of it. Rapsodi has been an important cornerstone in the Albanian gastronomic offer. Because we were the first ones to have the courage to cook differently, to serve differently, introducing a standard that the Albanian environment wasn’t familiar with.

I think the secret was having the courage to offer what I liked, rather than what the clientele was known to like. Slowly the customers got used to it, they came for that taste, which they couldn’t find anywhere else. Colleagues also understood the approach: the clientele is educated to recognize quality, oriented to choose with confidence in professionals, and encouraged to try the new.

I have always been aware of what the “innovative” was in form, while in concept I have only reawakened tradition.

The Albanian culture of hospitality has traditionally been based on appetizers: a variety of cooking and tastes, which is the basis of the gourmet tasting menu we offer at Rapsodi: a variety of tastes that are enjoyed in small portions.

My great-grandfather used to wait for his friend with appetizers, the bread was served at the end. It was an insult to the friend if you offered the bread first; the friend was welcomed with good and varied food.

Isn’t this the modern concept of culinary offer after all, – gourmet food?

This approach changed the mindset of the public and its expectations of restaurants. Albania is today a paradise in the culinary offer: diverse, well cooked, with quality products and full taste.

Can you tell us about the significance of being chosen to create the “Independence Cake” for Albania’s 100 years of independence in 2012? How did you approach such a monumental task?

I didn’t expect you to have this information ☺

It was a big celebration for us Albanians: the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the state. The arrangements of the celebrations became a topic of discussion at that time. Feeling excited and with a sense of responsibility to bring something impressive to the celebration protocol, I built the concept of a giant cake, like a big mahogany for everyone. I talked about it with a colleague, and he agreed to be involved in cooking; We began to structure the concept in detail. Certain that we would achieve something beautiful, I suggested the idea to the Mayor of Tirana and he accepted without hesitation. So, we rolled our sleeves. I remember we worked for 20 days in a row to prepare a giant cake with an area of ​​680 square meters and a weight of 18 tons. Nothing was accidental, we took care of every detail: We used olives, as a symbol of peace and pomegranate, as a symbol of family and love. The pomegranate is also a symbol of Lezha, my city, which is a crown stone in the history of Albanians.

You were selected to cook for the official dinner of the UEFA Conference League in 2022. How did this experience differ from your regular culinary endeavors, and what did it mean to you personally?

The state protocol required a lunch that best presented the best of Albanian traditional dishes. Every region had to be represented with their typical dishes but cooked in a refined way to the height of the event. So, a very good range of flavors was needed, combined with Albanian wines. In short, a Rhapsody was needed.

I tried to elegantly include the best elements of Albanian tradition and flavors, such as marinated sea bass with green garlic cream and citrus vinaigrette; chicken in the nest, which was a chicken roll accompanied by noodles and porridge (these are typical Albanian dishes), served on a plate with two different dimensions, according to the two tribes that stand out in this tradition: Mirdita and Dibra.

It was a difficult undertaking, but we were best rewarded with the very good impressions of the diners.

As a consultant for start-ups in the cuisine industry, what key pieces of advice do you offer to budding restaurateurs and chefs?

I believe that in a global world, identity makes a difference. Every business in this field must know and develop the history of the environment where it serves, its history, and its origin. This gives you identity features, makes you distinct in this big world, connects you with the community close to you, and defines your profile in the market. You will remain anonymous if no authenticity is revealed. That’s why I always advise young people to know their traditions and respect them, not to get lost in the trends of the time, to learn to declare themselves with skill, work, perseverance, and faith. These always pay off.

Your involvement with the “Sapa Zadrima” cooperative and the “Kolin Gjoka” school in Lezhe showcases your dedication to sustainable agriculture and culinary education. How do you balance these roles with running a successful restaurant?

In Italy, I was the internal administrator of an agrotourism cooperative, it was called Alpe del Garda. I fell in love with agritourism. Franco Rossi managed to build a beautiful story in Lago di Garda, a magical place of beauty and prosperity. He entrusted me with agrotourism and from that experience I developed my dream of returning to Albania. I wanted to build a cooperative. They did not receive it well, starting with my father; I believe that the rejection of the idea was related to the bitter memory that people in Albania had of the cooperatives of the communist regime, which had sown poverty and scarcity in the Albanian countryside.

Patiently, I tried to explain the concept of the cooperative that I wanted to build and Sapa Zadrimë is active to this day, it has a winery, a factory for the production of olive oil, and it serves the villagers of the area.

Can you discuss the motivation behind creating your production line of dairy by-products and how it aligns with your overall vision for the food industry?

Baxho “Rhapsody” remains the biggest challenge I have encountered so far. I was clear about what I wanted to do, but no one, starting from my father, believed that it could succeed as a project. He raised chickens and that was the only investment opportunity he knew had a certain potential. I believe my mother influenced him to consider my idea. She could see how much I cared about her and she knew the persistence and passion I put into things. Back then, applied to an Italian project supporting repatriated immigrants, and I won.

I remember we bought the necessary equipment, and in 2008 I managed to open the dairy. For 30 days in a row, we managed to process only 20 liters of milk per day, no one believed that we would succeed.

Today we process 5000 liters of milk per day and we are present with our products throughout Albania. We introduced Napa cheese to the market, an early product in the Albanian tradition, which we managed to bring back with the same technique and taste.

Rapsodia emphasizes health and wellness in its menu. How do you ensure that your dishes cater to a variety of dietary preferences while maintaining the high standards of taste and presentation?

Cooking means working passionately all the time. You have to love what you do, and that’s the beginning. Then, this makes you take care of the ingredients/products you buy, where you buy them, how you treat them, how you process them, how you serve them… Especially the processing techniques are very important because they are directly related to the preservation of nutritional values. This is primary for us: to always be in search of innovations in techniques, technologies, the scientific discoveries related to good nutrition and the relationship of food with the human organism, even for the order of serving: how foods are metabolized better. There are many scientific updates in this direction, which often overturn even the clichés about what we believe we know or are correct.

All this in one lens: food is like love, it requires a lot of care and sweet fire ☺

 Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future of Albanian cuisine, and how do you envision your role in shaping this future?

Here we are talking about dreams, which should not be left in the drawer.

My next project is called “Stork Burger” and it marks another dream come true.

The idea has taken shape in recent years, as the rhythms of life push human society towards the “fast” concept. To me, this brought excitement about a fast food line: how could I combine my concept of cooking with food fast? Could I make fast but healthy food at the same time? As a parent, this has been a real concern for me. On the other hand, in the restaurant, I have always managed to please the children and their parents who were happy to see the child being fed healthily without the usual efforts. So I was convinced that it was time to offer a new service: healthy fast food – which remains a favorite taste for children, but completely safe as a product, where everything is prepared fresh in the kitchen, from bread to sauces.

With the childhood image of the Stork character holding food in his beak to feed the little ones, we started with the “Stork Burger”. I believe we are on the right track to mark another success story.

Another dream I am working on is a restaurant certification process in Albania, building a professional guide that will set standards for what culinary has to offer in my country. Seeing the recent boost in tourism in Albania, I think the time has come to seriously invest in this direction.

I hope that in the next interview with your esteemed readers, we will be able to share the good news about this project coming to life.

Thank you for your attention and the opportunity to have this conversation.

Beauty Beyond the Smile: Dr. Kam’s Expertise in Skin Health and Aesthetics

Dr. Kam is a renowned cosmetic dentist celebrated for his exceptional skill in enhancing smiles and his profound passion for skin health and facial aesthetics. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Kam seamlessly blends the art and science of his dental background to create stunning, natural-looking results. His holistic approach to cosmetic care ensures that patients not only achieved beautiful smiles but also radiant, healthy skin. Dr. Kam’s expertise extends beyond traditional dentistry, as he integrates advanced aesthetic techniques to enhance overall facial harmony. Dedicated to staying at the forefront of his field, he continually pursues the latest innovations and technologies. Patients trust Dr. Kam for his compassionate care, personalized treatment plans, and unwavering dedication to their well-being. His reputation as a transformative cosmetic dentist and skin health expert has made him a sought-after practitioner in his community. Dr. Kam’s passion for enhancing beauty and confidence shines through in every face he rejuvenates.

Can you share the story behind your transition from dentistry to focusing solely on facial aesthetics and skin health?

During my years as a practicing dentist, my passion was always for transforming smiles and getting the joy out of the subsequent aesthetic enhancements on my patients’ confidence.

The  turning point for me came when a patient, who had undergone veneer treatments, confided that while her smile had transformed, she still felt self-conscious about her skin. She joked “ now that you have given me my beautiful smile, what can you do for these wrinkles ? “. This was my “aha” moment and inspired me to explore the broader field of facial aesthetics and skin health.

I pursued advanced certifications in aesthetic medicine, attended workshops, and trained with leading experts. I began integrating traditional facial massage techniques with state-of-the-art injectable and laser treatments, crafting personalized treatment plans that addressed my clients’ unique needs and desires.

The happiness I saw in my clients as they experienced not just improved appearances but enhanced self-esteem proved this journey from dentistry to facial aesthetics was the right decision.

Today, I run 2 thriving clinics dedicated to facial aesthetics and skin health, where my background in dentistry provides a unique foundation for understanding facial structure and anatomy.

What inspired me to combine traditional facial massage techniques with cutting-edge injectable and laser treatments in my practice?

As I was essentially from a science background, I must admit I didn’t really feel facial massage techniques were particularly beneficial to long term skin health. However I was happily proved wrong when I met the incredibly talented and celebrated Yvonne Martin. Yvonne demonstrated facial massage techniques that gave amazing results – she has clients who come from all over the world to be treated by her and the results are extraordinary. The ancient art of facial massage promotes relaxation, improves circulation, and enhances the skin’s natural glow, providing a foundation of holistic wellness 

On the other hand, modern injectable and laser treatments offer precise and effective solutions for a variety of skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to hyperpigmentation and scarring.

By integrating these methods, I can create customised treatment plans that address both the surface and deeper layers of the skin, resulting in more profound and lasting improvements. This fusion of old and new not only maximizes the benefits of each technique but also ensures that my clients receive the most effective and up-to-date care available.

How do you ensure that each treatment at your clinics is personalized to meet the specific needs and desires of your clients? 

Ensuring that each treatment at our facial aesthetics clinics is personalized to meet the specific needs and desires of our clients involves several key steps:

1. Comprehensive Consultation Process

Initial Assessment: Begin with a thorough consultation to understand the client’s medical history, skin concerns, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals.

Detailed Skin Analysis: We use an advanced skin analysis  machine to assess the client’s skin type, condition, and underlying issues, looking at 9 different aspects of the skin at every layer.

WeConsider factors such as diet, stress levels, and lifestyle in the treatment plan to enhance overall skin health and well-being.

2. Customised Treatment Plans

Tailored and modular solutions: We develop individualised and flexible treatment plans that can be adjusted based on the client’s progress and changing needs combining  traditional facial massage techniques with cutting-edge injectable and laser treatments to provide a holistic approach to skin health.

3. Personalized Client Experience

Bespoke Service: We create a personalized and luxurious experience for each client, from the moment they walk in to the follow-up care.

By focusing on these elements, we can ensure that each treatment is uniquely tailored to meet the specific needs and desires of our intelligent clients, providing them with the highest level of personalized care and achieving optimal results.

Could you describe the philosophy and atmosphere you aim to create at The Skin Culturist and Newhall Medical and Dental Aesthetics clinics? 

At The Skin Culturist and Newhall Medical and Dental Aesthetics clinics, our philosophy is rooted in the belief that true beauty and wellness come from a harmonious blend of inner health and outer radiance. We are committed to providing an unparalleled experience that caters to the unique needs of our elite clientele, ensuring they leave feeling rejuvenated.

Our clinics are designed to be sanctuaries of serenity and luxury. From the moment clients step through our doors, they are enveloped in an atmosphere of calm and sophistication.

Every detail is meticulously curated to enhance the client experience. Aromatic diffusers fill the air with subtle, calming scents, while gentle background music provides a serene soundtrack. Our waiting areas are designed to be relaxing lounges where clients can unwind with a selection of premium teas, infused waters, and healthy snacks, all while perusing the latest lifestyle and wellness publications.

We strive to make every visit an indulgent retreat, where clients can escape the stresses of daily life and emerge feeling revitalized and beautiful. This unique blend of serene ambiance, personalized care, and professional excellence defines our clinics and sets us apart in the world of luxury aesthetics.

What are some of the most significant advancements in facial aesthetics and skin health that you have incorporated into your practice over the years? 

Over the years, my practice has embraced several significant advancements in facial aesthetics and skin health to provide our clients with the best possible care and results.

Other than integration of injectable treatments, such as Botox and dermal fillers, and skin boosters, we have also incorporated laser and light-based therapies, such as Fractional CO2 lasers and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments. These technologies are exceptional for skin resurfacing, reducing pigmentation, and promoting collagen production, leading to a more youthful and radiant complexion.

The introduction of microneedling with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) has been another game-changer. This technique stimulates the skin’s natural healing processes, improving texture, tone, and overall skin health by using the client’s own growth factors and  for hair rejuvenation especially for menopausal alopecia.

Additionally, we have adopted radiofrequency (RF) treatments, which provide non-invasive skin tightening and lifting. RF technology helps to firm the skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production, delivering noticeable results without surgery.

We also employ advanced light therapy treatments with Dermalux and Intravenous treatments such as glutathione, B12 and NAD.

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in the field of facial aesthetics? 

I stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in facial aesthetics by actively participating in industry conferences, workshops, and seminars. I also subscribe to leading medical and aesthetic journals, follow key opinion leaders and professional organizations on social media, and engage in online forums and webinars. Additionally, I invest in continuous education and advanced certification programs to ensure my skills and knowledge remain cutting-edge. Networking with peers and collaborating with industry experts further enhances my understanding of emerging techniques and technologies, allowing me to offer the most advanced and effective treatments to my clients.

Why did I establish the academy?

The motivation to establish the Newhall Facial Aesthetics Academy stemmed from my deep passion for advancing the field of facial aesthetics and a desire to elevate the standard of care provided by practitioners. Over the years, I noticed a gap in the market for personalized, high-quality training that properly  prepares practitioners to meet the unique needs of their clients. Generic, one-size-fits-all training programs often fail to equip practitioners with the nuanced skills required to deliver patient-centred, bespoke treatments.

At the Newhall Facial Aesthetics Academy, we offer a unique approach to training that focuses on 1-2-1 teaching. This individualized instruction ensures that each aspiring practitioner receives the undivided attention and tailored guidance necessary to master advanced techniques. Our curriculum is designed to emphasize the importance of patient-centred care, teaching practitioners how to develop customized treatment plans that consider each client’s specific needs, preferences, and goals.

Our hands-on training sessions provide real-world experience, allowing practitioners to refine their skills under expert supervision. By prioritizing bespoke treatments and personalized education, the Newhall Facial Aesthetics Academy aims to produce highly skilled, compassionate practitioners who are committed to delivering exceptional, individualized care to their clients.

Can you elaborate on your collaboration with the celebrity chef and how this unique partnership enhances skin health through diet? 

Partnering with a celebrity chef brings a dynamic dimension to enhancing skin health through diet. By combining my expertise as a facial aesthetician with the chef’s culinary prowess, we create a holistic approach that addresses skin concerns from within.

Our collaboration focuses on curating nutrient-rich menus that promote skin health and radiance. We emphasize foods high in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids known to support collagen production, reduce inflammation, and maintain hydration. Our personalized meal plans consider individual skin types and conditions, aiming to improve complexion and overall well-being.

Additionally, we educate clients on the connection between diet and skin health, empowering them to make informed choices. By integrating professional skincare treatments with tailored dietary recommendations, we offer comprehensive care that enhances results and promotes long-term skin vitality. This innovative partnership not only elevates client experiences but also underscores the importance of nourishing the skin from the inside out.

How do you balance the artistic and scientific aspects of facial aesthetics to achieve natural and harmonious results for your clients?

Balancing the artistic and scientific aspects of facial aesthetics is essential to achieving natural and harmonious results for my clients.

From my background in Dentistry, the scientific aspect involves an understanding of facial anatomy, skin physiology  which forms the foundation upon which all treatments are based, ensuring safety, efficacy, and predictable outcomes.

On the other hand, the artistic aspect involves an intuitive understanding of facial proportions, symmetry, and aesthetics. It requires a keen eye for detail and a sense of proportion to enhance natural beauty while avoiding over-correction or unnatural results. This artistic skill allows me to customize treatments to each client’s unique facial structure and desired outcomes.

Furthermore, ongoing education and training in both scientific advancements and artistic techniques are crucial to  allow me to stay abreast of the latest innovations in facial aesthetics, ensuring that I can offer my clients the highest level of care and achieve outcomes that are both scientifically sound and aesthetically pleasing.

What advice would you give to individuals looking to pursue a career in facial aesthetics and skin health, based on your extensive experience and expertise

Based on my experience in facial aesthetics and skin health, I would advise individuals looking to pursue this career path to prioritise education, hands-on training, and continuous learning. Start by obtaining a solid foundation in anatomy, physiology, and dermatology. Seek advanced certifications and training from reputable institutions to master the latest techniques and technologies in injectables, lasers, and skincare.

Develop strong communication skills to understand clients’ goals and expectations effectively. Emphasize patient-centered care, focusing on personalized treatment plans that address individual concerns and enhance natural beauty. Cultivate an artistic eye for facial aesthetics, understanding the principles of symmetry and proportion.

Network with industry professionals, attend conferences, and stay updated on emerging trends. Lastly, maintain integrity and prioritise patient safety and satisfaction above all else. A commitment to professionalism, ongoing skill development, and ethical practice will ensure a rewarding and successful career in facial aesthetics and skin health.

The Gentleman Code – How to get a woman’s admiration in 5 seconds?

Getting someone’s admiration, especially a woman’s, might seem like a complex puzzle. But here’s a simple truth: women want to feel seen. Not just a glance or a compliment, but genuinely recognized for who they are. When you manage to do that, trust me, you’ve got their attention.

So, how do you make someone feel seen? It’s about setting an intention, something like, “I see you, and I recognize you.” Keep this thought in your mind when you’re talking to her, when you meet her for the first time, or even when you’re just passing by in the office. It’s not about a long conversation or a deep dive into her life story. It’s about that moment of connection, where through your eyes and your attention, you’re saying, “I get who you are.”

You can use this simple technique anywhere – at a business dinner, a casual meet-up, or even during a quick chat at work. But here’s a crucial bit of advice: keep it about recognition, not desire. In a professional setting or when you’re just getting to know someone, blending in desire can make things awkward and is definitely not the way to go.

It might sound too easy, but don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. This isn’t about big gestures or fancy words; it’s about a genuine moment of connection. And sometimes, that’s all it takes.

Now, if you’re thinking, “This is great, but I’m not sure I can pull it off,” that’s where I come in. Whether it’s getting over those jitters when meeting new people or finding that confidence to truly connect, I’m here to help. Give this approach a shot and see how it changes the game for you. And if you’re looking to dive deeper, overcome those inner hurdles, or just up your social game, drop me a message. Let’s get to work on unlocking your potential, one genuine connection at a time.