Opinion – Page 2 – Global Man

Dr Chopra: The Divine Feminine Empowered — Women for a Harmonious World

Interview by Mirela Sula

In a world that is constantly changing and facing numerous challenges, the resurgence of Divine Feminine energy holds great significance. Renowned authority Dr. Chopra explores the transformative power of this energy, which helps shift us away from predatory male energy towards qualities like empathy and cooperation – qualities essential for addressing global issues. This interview delves into harnessing the Divine Feminine’s attributes in leadership, examining the seven Goddess archetypes and empowering women with diverse talents to collectively drive positive change. Drawing inspiration from luminaries such as Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Chopra highlights the importance of self-reflection in achieving success while navigating multifaceted roles. Ultimately, it presents a compelling vision of a harmonious and inclusive world where financial well-being aligns with personal values and passions.


Can you please share your insight on the current rise of the divine feminine energy and why it is considered to be of great importance in our world today?

The rise of the Divine Feminine is significant because it represents a shift away from the dominant, predatory male energy that has shaped our history. This shift is essential as we face numerous global challenges, including climate change, violence, and more. The Divine Feminine embodies qualities like nurturing, empathy, and cooperation, which are necessary for our survival and a more harmonious world.

In the context of leadership, how can the qualities and principles associated with the Divine Feminine be harnessed and utilized in a positive and effective manner to inspire and guide individuals and organizations towards a more harmonious and inclusive future?

Effective leadership can be achieved by embracing the acronym “LEADERS”: Look and listen deeply, develop emotional intelligence and empathy, cultivate awareness, set smart goals, empower oneself and others, take responsibility, and create synchronicity. These principles, when applied, lead to a more harmonious and inclusive future by promoting empathy, compassion, and collective empowerment.

Would you please share and explain the concept of the seven Goddess archetypes and offer guidance on how those here can access and embody these archetypes in their lives for personal growth and empowerment?

The seven Goddess archetypes represent different facets of the Divine Feminine. They are:

  • Hera (leader),
  • Mother (nurturer),
  • Athena (wisdom and culture),
  • Aphrodite (love and creativity),
  • Artemis (nature and conservation),
  • Persephone (healer and alchemist),
  • and Hestia (homemaker).

It’s possible to relate to multiple archetypes, but identifying your major strengths is key. By recognizing your dominant archetypes, you can align with your true self and find people who complement your strengths to create a harmonious balance.

For women who feel a strong connection to multiple archetypes and possess diverse talents, how can they navigate their journey effectively while embracing their multifaceted nature?

Women with diverse talents and connections to multiple archetypes should focus on their major strengths while appreciating their multifaceted nature. By identifying and prioritizing their dominant archetypes, they can lead more effectively and seek collaboration with others who complement their skills. This way, they can navigate their journey with balance and purpose, using their various talents to create a harmonious and fulfilling life.

How can women harness their multifaceted talents and archetypes to contribute positively to their communities and the world as a whole?

Women can harness their multifaceted talents and archetypes to make positive contributions by recognizing their unique strengths and finding alignment with their passions. They should collaborate with others who have complementary skills to address community and global challenges. By embracing their diverse talents and archetypes, women can create a more inclusive, compassionate, and harmonious world.

In a world where women often juggle various roles and responsibilities, what advice do you have for them to maintain a sense of balance, well-being, and inner harmony?

Finding balance, well-being, and inner harmony is essential for women juggling multiple roles. They should prioritize self-care, practice mindfulness, and set boundaries to prevent burnout. Embracing their archetypal strengths can also help them align their actions with their true selves, fostering a sense of balance and fulfilment in all their endeavours.

How can women collectively harness their strengths and diverse talents to create a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier, and joyful world?

Women can collectively create a better world by recognizing their collective strengths and diverse talents. They should come together, share their visions, and collaborate across different areas of expertise. By focusing on shared goals, practicing empathy and compassion, and leveraging each other’s strengths, women can drive positive change and contribute to a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier, and joyful world.

In your experience, Dr. Chopra, what qualities, and archetypes have led to the success of powerful female leaders like Oprah Winfrey?

Oprah Winfrey embodies several powerful archetypes. She’s a storyteller, a nurturer, and a builder. She listens to and validates people’s stories, which has been key to her success. She’s also a feminist and focuses on empowering marginalized women, making her a role model for many.

How can women who identify with the mother archetype and aspire to be leaders navigate the apparent contradiction between these roles effectively?

Embrace the contradiction and ambiguity. Paradoxes are sources of creativity. Being a mother and a leader can coexist. Oprah Winfrey herself is a motherly figure to many and a successful leader. It’s about finding a balance and understanding that people want to tell their stories. Listen and validate them, and you can succeed in both roles.

You mentioned the importance of validation and listening to people’s stories. Can you elaborate on how this approach can contribute to success, as Oprah exemplifies?

Validation and active listening are keys to success. Oprah’s ability to genuinely listen and validate people’s stories has made her a remarkable storyteller and a successful journalist. When you focus on what you can do for others, it can lead to great success.

Oprah Winfrey also engages in philanthropic work, such as educating thousands of children in South Africa. How does her nurturing and giving nature contribute to her impact and influence?

Oprah’s nurturing and giving nature is a significant part of her impact and influence. She has nurtured thousands of children in South Africa, showing that being a nurturer and a leader can go hand in hand. Her philanthropic efforts align with her values and empower others, making her a role model for many.

In the discussion, you touched upon the idea of embracing contradiction and ambiguity. How can this approach benefit individuals and organizations striving for success?

Embracing contradiction and ambiguity is essential for creativity. Without paradoxes and conflicts, there’s no room for growth and innovation. It’s crucial for individuals and organizations to embrace these challenges, as they often lead to breakthroughs and unique solutions.

During the meditation session, you explored the concept of “Who am I?” and encouraged self-reflection. How can this practice help individuals in their personal and professional growth?

Self-reflection, as practiced in the meditation, can lead to self-awareness and personal growth. It helps individuals understand their true selves and their desires. Knowing oneself is crucial for making aligned choices in both personal and professional life.

You mentioned the importance of financial well-being as part of overall well-being. How can individuals achieve financial security while also pursuing their passions and values, as discussed in the conversation?

Achieving financial security while pursuing passions and values requires aligning your work with your purpose. It’s about finding ways to contribute to the world while also ensuring financial stability. This balance can be achieved by understanding what success means to you and recognizing that true success includes financial well-being alongside other aspects of life.

Mirela Sula & Deepak Chopra

Dr. Bilal Kola: A Lawyer In The Mission To Change The World

Dr Bilal Kola

In a world filled with stories of resilience and triumph, Dr. Bilal’s life journey is a testament to the power of determination, dreams, and the pursuit of justice. Born in an Albanian communist concentration camp, his early years were marked by hardship, but they also sparked a deep desire for success drawn from the pages of Western novels.

Motivated by his family’s legacy of resistance against oppression, he made a vow to study law and fight for justice whenever given the opportunity. His journey took him from Albania to London, where he pursued law studies and specialized in international business law.

Completing a Ph.D. in Strategic Leadership further enhanced his understanding of leadership and shaped his career in both public and private sectors. As Dr. Bilal embarks on a new journey as a motivational speaker and life coach, his story remains an inspiration for those who truly belie­ve in lifelong learning and pursuing their passions.


Can you share more about your early years growing up in a communist concentration camp and the impact it had on your perspective and drive for success?

Ever since I started to understand and experience the reality it became more and more obvious to me that being treated unfairly and most importantly being treated differently to other kids was something that I had to get used to, as there was nothing I could do to change the reality of it.

Throughout my childhood and adolescence, the phenomenon that caused me the most bitterness, low self-esteem and insecurity was comparing myself to others. I could not even be compared with my peers at the concentration camp. Since the vast majority of the kids at the concentration camp had their father at home, while my father was locked away in political prison.

Other kids at the concentration camp had some of the basics (like food and clothes) while most of the time I went hungry and was wearing ravaged clothes. Then in adolescence, as if putting the seal to everything in relation to comparing myself with others, at the age of 14 as I was prohibited to go to secondary school – I was ordered by the authorities to do heavy labor work in agriculture (during communism internees were categorically prohibited to go to university or college, but they were allowed to go to secondary school – so my case was a special exemption from the exclusionary rule itself).

To this extremely burdened emotional state (due to comparing myself with others) it just thankfully happened that I found the ‘cure’ through what I now call the phenomenon of ‘escaping into books’. So, by reading various novels of western authors (which were indeed very hard to find back in communist Albania), I was inspired and aspired to become like their characters.

My desire to achieve success (to become knowledgeable, articulate, polite, famous, rich, etc) has been a deeply ingrained mindset that I have cultivated since my childhood in trying to emulate my role models exemplified in the characters of western authors.

Your family’s history is marked by opposition to the communist regime. How did your family’s experiences influence your academic and career choices, especially in the field of law?

While in the concentration camp, during my early teen years my biggest and wildest dream was to flee Albania and go to the US to study law and become a lawyer. My grandfather had been shot without trial by the communist dictatorship just for being a good patriot and collaborating with British SOEs against Nazis (even though he was someone who had been graduated as a student in Austria), my dad was locked away in a political prison (just for being courageous enough to speak his mind) since I was two years old, my family was exiled in various concentration camps since May 1945.

All these injustices had me fired up inside, instilling a deep passion about law and justice. So, I had sworn to myself – if I ever got free there was no other choice for me but law.

Tell us about the pivotal moments or individuals who inspired you to pursue a career in law and international business law, considering your challenging beginnings.

As I said before, the severe injustices that my family had been subjected to and all the deprivations that I had experienced throughout my childhood and adolescence, had me deeply fired up inside for justice. So, I’ve always felt that given the chance, studying law and becoming a lawyer was the right tool how I could give my contribution to my family and my people.

Thankfully, when communism fell, I was so adamant to fulfill this dream of mine. In 1993, Lord Julian Emery (a friend of my grandfather) came to Albania receiving a medal from the Albanian president of that time. My father met him and thereafter my dream started to become a reality.

So, I started my law studies in London. After finishing my bachelor studies, living in the financial capital of Europe led me thinking that focusing on international business law would give me a competitive edge when I returned to Albania (the scholarship I got with the help from Lord Emery had a condition that after finishing school I had to return to Albania, so I had to honor that commitment I took in front of him).

Your academic journey is quite diverse, from law to international business and aviation law. How did these different areas of study complement each other in shaping your career?

Ever since I returned to Albania I’ve engaged in various interesting projects and works, but all of them revolving on commercial and corporate law. I had the opportunity to study international aviation law while I was working as director legal for the German company operating Tirana airport.

I think that I’ve always held an interest in expanding my professional knowledge and whenever an opportunity has arisen, I’ve never had any hesitation to go for it.

You completed your PhD in Strategic Leadership. How has this advanced degree contributed to your leadership roles, both in the public and private sectors?

Again the PhD in Strategic Leadership was something of an opportunity to me. When I was director legal at the airport company, it just happened that I was went to Vienna very frequently as I was representing my company in an international arbitration case.

In Vienna I’ve met a lot of interesting and influential people and one of them introduced me this opportunity to study for my PhD. But instead of paying the tuition to the university, I could contribute in kind (like a barter transaction) in giving lectures at the same university for its undergraduates in business law.

My PhD degree in Strategic Leadership has been a massive help in structuring and refining my practical knowledge about leadership and making significant strides in my career (I believe leadership skills have a tremendous impact in all walks of life, both professional and personal).

Could you elaborate on your motivation for enrolling in the Executive Coaching program? How do you plan to integrate coaching into your career trajectory?

In the last couple of years I felt that I have taken and given as much as I could in my legal career. So, without saying I’ve felt bored with law it may be worth saying that recently I’ve felt that I have so much more to contribute – beyond being a lawyer – to give and share with enthusiasm and passion with the world about my professional and personal life experiences.

So, as a blueprint for I plan in my career I’ve written a book in the genre of personal development, titled: ’12 MINDSETS to improve life radically’. My career goal now (for which I have a tremendous passion to share with as many people as possible) is to become an international motivational speaker and life coach. However, given the fact that throughout my career I have worked with executives (being one myself for many years) and knowing what motivates them, knowing theirs challenges and goals, I think makes me much more suitable to initially coach them.

Hence, enrolling onto an accredited ICF Executive Coaching program I feel is the right approach for my credentials as a life coach and motivational speaker.

Starting your own law firm is a significant achievement. What were the biggest challenges you faced during this entrepreneurial journey, and what advice would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Judged by my experience, I believe that the biggest challenge an entrepreneur faces is making the decision to start out (when I’ve took the decision to start my own law firm I had a very well-paid job, but I also had much higher ambitions that I somehow wanted to fulfill).

My advice is simple (but maybe not easy): (i) focus on your passions, talents or skills; (ii) come up with a well-structured SMART goal; (iii) be courageous to take that crucial first step; (iv) persist no matter what, because perseverance is always associated with the ‘lucky breaks’; (iv) work very hard until your expertise and reputation will make you work smart.

Then you will most likely experience the true self-actualization. Just like Confucius said: ‘when we do for work something we like, we never work a single day in our life’.

As a motivational speaker and coach, you inspire others to improve their lives. Can you share a few of your key “mindsets” for personal development that have resonated most with your audiences?

On a personal development level I love to share with my audiences how they can cultivate and practice the concepts and wisdom associated with: acceptance and Amor Fati, forgiving everyone and anything, equanimity, gratitude, etc.

On a professional development level, I love to share with them how they can learn and apply the soft skills of leadership, emotional intelligence, public communication, persuasion and negotiation – combining them with the mindsets of ‘every failure is stepping stone to success’, not comparing our first chapter with somebody’s tenth chapter, Ikigai (purpose), etc.

Your involvement in organizations like the Albanian-British Chamber of Commerce and the International Lawyers Association is impressive. How has networking and being part of these associations influenced your career?

Life has taught me to truly believe in this wonderful and wise saying (not only in a financial sense but in its entire dimension): ‘your network is your net worth’.

So, I’m truly blessed to know so many wonderful, kind and talented individuals as a result of my professional networking. It gives me great satisfaction to acknowledge to them (or sharing with others) any contribution (no matter small or big) that I’ve had from anyone of them in my career advancement.

You’ve been an external university professor in Business Law for many years. What aspects of teaching and mentoring students do you find most rewarding, and how does it complement your other professional endeavours?

I love teaching and mentoring for two main reasons: (i) because of the direct positive contribution I have on the life of the students (I actually experience the so-called ‘giver’s high’ when I teach and mentor); and (ii) because I firmly believe in the saying ‘who teaches others, also teaches himself’.

So, my teaching and mentoring always keeps me updated, ‘on my feet’, and what I truly love to be for myself – a life-long student.

Dr Bilal Kola

Paul G Andrews: From Finance to Filmmaking, a Journey of Passion and Purpose

Global Man magazine had the privilege of interviewing Paul G Andrews, a renowned Film Producer and Screenwriter, who shared insights into his career journey and passion for socially impactful films. Paul, who started his professional life in finance as a Financial Adviser and later ventured into the money markets, found his true calling in the film industry. Headhunted to produce business programs for prominent media networks, he seized the opportunity to follow his passion for movies and transitioned into becoming a Film Producer and Screenwriter.

With a keen eye for projects with captivating stories, Paul seeks out films based on major historical events or best-selling novels that have the potential to inspire positive social change. He has worked with esteemed industry talents like double Oscar-nominated Director Roland Joffé and Thomas Keneally, author of the Man Booker Prize-winning novel “Schindler’s List.”

Paul emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between artistic vision and commercial viability, creating films that entertain audiences while shedding light on significant social issues. His dedication to supporting causes such as mental health awareness, humanitarian issues, and promoting gender and race equality has positioned him as a filmmaker committed to making a difference through the power of storytelling.


Can you tell us about your background and how you got into the film industry?

I started my career as a Financial Adviser and later moved into the Money markets and selling investments globally. I was headhunted to run a team which sold/produced short business programmes for CNN, BBC World, and CNBC and featured Fortune 500 companies.

Through this, I met many of the world’s leading CEOs. One of my Production team members was also a screenwriter, and in 2013, he asked me to produce one of his screenplays. As a massive film fan, I decided to follow my passion and became a Film Producer and Screenwriter.

How do you choose which projects to pursue, and what do you look for in a potential film?

The first film was brought to my attention by a work colleague. Now I look for projects that have amazing stories, usually based on major historical events and best-selling novels.

I also look for projects that showcase human endeavour and can help make positive social change or raise awareness of issues such as gender and race inequality, mental health issues, or expose corruption, for example, in government or hidden agendas within the global media.

Can you discuss your experience working with some of the top film talent in the world?

I am currently working with double Oscar-nominated Director Roland Joffé, who is a wonderful person and respected for his Oscar-winning films The Killing Fields and The Mission, featuring Robert De Niro, Liam Neeson, and Jeremy Irons. Also, Thomas Keneally, an author of mine, won the Man Booker Prize for his fabulous novel Schindler’s List (Ark) and is a hero of Steven Spielberg.

Both of them are talented but grounded gentlemen with huge caring personalities and a wish to make the world a better place. Julian Sands was in my last movie, a huge acting talent, and his tragic loss following his disappearance while hiking was widely reported. Al Pacino is being lined up for an upcoming role, so I’m really looking forward to working with him, as well as Armand Assante from American Gangster.

How do you evaluate the success of a film, and what metrics do you use?

For me, the first measure of success is the overall feedback from viewers of a film or, in the case of a screenplay, from judges and International Film Festivals. Of course, we structure all our films to eliminate financial risk and provide investors with the highest ROI. There are many ways of achieving this goal for those in the know.

It’s always best to start with a fabulous screenplay that has won awards and has a defined audience and financial sales. Many projects that go into production are financed through contacts and not because they are the best projects. So, it’s a “who you know” business, for sure.

Can you talk about the process of putting together a film, from concept to finished production?

To do this best, I will use an example of a film screenplay called “ON PAR,” which I wrote. It was based on a teenager I know who suffers from mental health issues (severe depression and anxiety). Some days, he simply cannot function. I discovered that this was a widespread problem and an “invisible illness.” He is also a budding rapper.

I wanted to cover all teenage issues: love problems, bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, broken homes, gender identity, fitting in, etc., so I created a character who was insular, and a story line that allowed these issues to be portrayed while still entertaining the audience.

The screenplay was written and WON 20 International Film Festivals, where there are usually 1,000-plus entrants, so I know I had a WINNER. It’s “8 MILE” meets “ROMEO & JULIET” and set in a ROUGH south London school. Next, we raise funding (the budget), and we begin to approach cast members, such as Dua Lipa, to play opposite the young male lead, as the female lead is a budding singer.

Once the cast is confirmed, we would go into pre-production, followed by the shoot itself (perhaps 6 weeks), and during post-production, we would be marketing the film’s cinematic release or selling it to platforms like Netflix or Amazon for substantially more than the budget (this may have been done way before filming in some cases).

What challenges have you faced in your career, and how have you overcome them?

I think the greatest challenges early on were to get interviews for the top jobs in investment banking due to the somewhat “protected” interviewing system back in the 1980s, which was very different from now. Also, working for other people was always going to limit my ambition.

So, I set up my own businesses while learning skill sets I knew I would need, such as communications, learning about the psychology of selling and marketing, self-motivation, and mixing with people who are already successful and where I wanted to be.

We are always learning, and it’s important to be persistent but also to be fluent and knowledgeable about your own product or service, as well as what is happening in the world and history because too many people make factually incorrect statements nowadays, and it’s a lazy and fast way to fail. Nothing replaces hard work and sacrifice. LUCK stands for “Labour Under Correct Knowledge!”

How do you balance artistic vision with commercial viability in your film productions?

By taking on projects that I believe will appeal to a wide audience or cover significant events for the first time. Also, by keeping up with changes in the way people think and make decisions, and presenting the artistic material in such a way that both sides can agree with you on the factual content.

Can you discuss your involvement in supporting social change and mental health issues through your films?

I touched on this earlier with my screenplay “ON PAR.” We are supporting Prince William’s Heads Together campaign, which links the top UK Mental Health Charities under one umbrella to support awareness, particularly with younger adults where it has become more prevalent, especially since COVID.

We are also filming humanitarian projects covering issues like starvation/famine due to government policies, atrocities in war, and FGM (especially in Africa against women), as well as corruption in the Media and Government. Additionally, we support race and gender equality by supporting Women In Film and creating great lead roles for heroic women characters by employing them as Directors, Producers, and Heads of Department.

How do you see the film industry evolving in the next decade, and how are you preparing for those changes?

The industry has seen huge changes due to COVID and the way people stream content. I always think there will be a market for big movies. Like Orwell predicted in his novel 1984, small businesses will struggle as the global giants swallow up all competition. In a very competitive market, the very best will survive and make money. They changed the rules for qualification for the Best Film Oscar this week. Hollywood has shown itself to buckle to this pressure, and while I’m a huge supporter of human rights in all areas, some of the extreme decisions being made (caused by a minute delusional minority) could well have an adverse effect.

I see a huge backlash coming as “sensible” people start to speak out. I’m preparing the best films so that they speak for themselves, and issues such as mass starvation, war, equality, homelessness, child abuse become front-page news and are not buried in these constant and boring discussions about “what do I identify as today, and what’s my pronoun.”

What advice do you have for aspiring filmmakers and producers?

Start small and focus on building a great reputation with high-quality work. Don’t make instant decisions when meeting other producers, and thoroughly check out who you are dealing with.

Venture Capital Funds Predict a “Mass Extinction Event” for Startups in 2023

Leading venture capital players are warning of a “mass extinction event” for early- and mid-stage startups in 2023. This is likely to surpass the global financial collapse of 2008 in scale, according to a new survey by research firm January Ventures. The survey, conducted between August and October 2022, polled 450 startup founders from the US and Europe, with 61% of respondents from the US and 32% from Europe. The findings indicate that 81% of early-stage startups are facing failure in 2023, as they had less than 12 months of capital left to continue their operations, due to VC funds turning off the spigot on seed funding last year.

An “Extinction Event” of Startups

The survey found that four out of five startups are at risk of failure in 2023, with less than 12 months of runway left. This means they have enough capital to sustain their operations, without generating revenue. The survey categorized respondents by the level of funding for their startup, with 48% of respondents stating they raised pre-seed funding, 32% raised seed funding, and 16% had not started raising funds yet. If 80% of early-stage startups go extinct, it will be the largest extinction event since the global financial system collapsed in 2008.

VC Industry Trends

In a tweet following January Ventures’ findings, Mark Suster, partner of Los Angeles-based venture capital firm Upfront Ventures, agreed with the survey’s predictions. He estimated that half of the 5,000 early-stage startups his company has funded over the past four years are at risk of going out of business. Suster said that excess capital has kept the number of startup failures artificially low for the past seven years. In the same Twitter thread, Tom Loverro, a venture capitalist at Silicon Valley-based investment firm IVP, predicted a “mass extinction event” for early- and mid-stage startups in late 2023 and 2024 that will surpass the epic collapse in 2008.

The total global venture capital funding dropped 32% in 2022, decreasing to below $300B from the $513B total in 2021, according to GlobalData. The data also shows a decrease in the number of seed funding rounds for early-stage ventures, with bigger deal sizes for growth stage deals. In Q4, there was a 24% drop in deal volume for growth stage deals.

Final Thoughts

The predictions of a “mass extinction event” for early- and mid-stage startups in 2023 is alarming. Startups need to focus on their runway and explore alternative funding options to sustain their operations. Venture capitalists also need to consider the impact of their actions on startups and take a long-term view on funding. The VC industry needs to rethink its priorities, particularly during tough times, to ensure the survival of the startup ecosystem.

Ben Chai- The Success Magnet

Ben Chai

Sometimes enthusiastic extrovert but mostly thoughtful introvert

By Trevor Clarke

Ben Chai is a man of many parts, who has lived a full and varied life through an eclectic mix of activities, from IT to property, to acting, writing books, as a speaker sharing the stage with the biggest names, and more. Ben has achieved great success in many fields and has made his wealth through smart property investing and deserved good fortune in the beginning. He was featured recently in a BBC TV documentary about landlords living in one of their tenant’s properties, on a low budget. Yet, as you will read here, Ben’s early life was a less happy one because of bullying, something he has overcome to grow from a person of low self-esteem to be the outgoing and confident person he is today.

What was your childhood and upbringing like and how has that has influenced who and what you are today?

I grew up in London and was bullied a lot. Later, we moved to Singapore, but the bullying continued due to my being very tiny and very different from the rest of the children. At the time, I decided that the concept of race was very divisive and elected to be a citizen of this planet. Being bullied you learn a lot about people, about survival and develop a sense of when something is not quite right.

You also develop very low self-esteem, which results in a vicious cycle – the lower your self-esteem, the more you distance yourselves from others, the less you develop social skills and become a target for more bullying. Being bullied also taught me much about “isms” sexism, fatism, classism, ageism, and all varieties of exclusivism. My parents had their own challenges to deal with, which made it difficult to get much support in this area. Life was pretty dark in those days.

When I graduated, my parents did not feel I would amount to much due to my shyness and lack of confidence. At the time I had just scraped a degree, and my dad tried to get me a job in government through one of his contacts, where he thought I would be safe. I found the whole thing very disheartening and demeaning and said I would find my own way in the world. Today I realise that nobody was really taught about being good parents and he was only doing the best he could.

For the first few years I did not earn much. During that time, I cycled ten miles to work and slept on a friend’s floor with several other people. My diet consisted of porridge for lunch and corn flakes for dinner. For treats, I had a pot noodle and would suffer from pot noodle rage if someone had eaten one from my supplies.

Due to the bullying, I became mostly a recluse, or would only spend time with retired folk. The retired folk used to teach me to play games, shared their life stories with me, and educated me on how to avoid problems they faced when they were younger. Their life stories would later help me become successful in any venture.

As a young boy, playing games was a way to escape. I learned that if I helped the retired folk complete their chores faster, they would have more time to teach and play games with me.

At an unconscious level, winning at these games taught me how to be successful in life and business. For example, the Game of Diplomacy taught me that the only way to consistently win was to tell the truth without offending others. The game of chess taught me to think five, ten, twenty moves ahead of everyone else. Scrabble taught me how to maximise any situation no matter how bad.

You are a man of many parts and roles, and mystery. Your LinkedIn profile states: Actor; Author; Speaker; Business and IT strategist; Content creation specialist; Property specialist. Tell us more about these.

My very first acting role was as a baby in a James bond film. Since then I’ve been in media in most places I’ve lived either for technology, cyber security, gaming, dance, theatre or other television and films. My great aunt and uncle were members of an acting union and used to get me parts with famous people such as Madonna and John Cleese. We didn’t have selfies and the internet in those days, otherwise my celebrity album would be bursting!

After university, I managed to get a lowly paid position as an administrator in an IT company. My manager told me it would take two years to learn his position. Due to my early gaming days, I created a strategy to learn everything he knew within a month. The game of Diplomacy taught me not to demonstrate this accomplishment for another two months just in case he felt threatened. I soon took over purchasing and was able to get great deals due to collaborations with other IT companies. This joint purchasing put me in front of many CEOs of small to medium IT companies.

In the eighties, the phrase “knowledge is power” was rampant. The technical department would not tell me how to repair simple computer problems, such as the type of cable, because they felt their jobs were protected if people didn’t have their knowledge. The engineers blocking behaviour incensed me so much that I said to myself, one day I will share your entire knowledge with the world. I spent my evenings learning every single software the company was selling. After a while customers would call me for technical help.

One day the company trainer fell sick and I volunteered to train the course. They were surprised about my software knowledge but declined my offer and said they would get a freelancer. Unfortunately for them no freelancer was available and the customer had flown their executives in to learn the software and were threatening to sue the company. Opportunity met preparation and I got to give my first course. Afterwards, the customer requested that I be the only person to teach their entire organisation. This began my speaking career and since then I have spoken to audiences of up to 14,000 for Microsoft and large churches.

My degree is in mathematics and computer science. As a young boy, I was the only one in my class to beat the computer at chess. At the time, I had a much better understanding of computers than anyone else. A new manager was impressed with my ability to learn and train the software, and trained me in sales. Because my knowledge of computers was superior to the competitors and I was spending until 5:00am learning software and hardware, we were able to quickly grow the business. Another IT company headhunted me to run their entire sales and technical team. Being the CEO’s right-hand person taught me much about running a business. Later the CEO would ask me to run further businesses with him.

From there, I moved to a senior executive position at Kodak, in charge of the marketing and training of new IT products in EMEA. This position involved the creation of marketing strategies, educating and speaking to all Kodak sites, distributors and outlets on how to use and market the products. The role also involved authoring all their product and training manuals. Which is where I began a new skill in authoring. Later this content creation combined with my film, TV and radio experience would later blossom into a skill which would make me a seven-figure income as a content creation specialist.

As a systems and business speaker and educator for Microsoft and Learning Tree International, I’ve had the good fortune to rub shoulders with, teach, coach and mentor many diverse companies, from small single entrepreneur companies to global multi-nationals in banking, pharmaceutics and many more.

What drew you to such an eclectic mix of activities? Were they all part of your intention? In my twenties, I decided to be retired by my mid-thirties. To be retired you need ongoing income. At the time, I thought about what businesses would provide residual income or what is known today as passive income. These businesses included Rental properties, royalties from film and music, licenced intellectual property, network marketing, a great pension, royalties from books, royalties from games and merchandising. To make my plan fool-proof, I created several related businesses which would provide passive income.
Property was fantastic as there weren’t many property investors in those days. My parts in films with people like Madonna and John Cleese used to pay repeat cheques on every broadcast. My time at Kodak, taught me how to write books and create training manuals for technical educational companies. These training manuals were written about the most popular software of the day and provided me with a large amount of passive income whenever the training manuals were used.

How and why did you get into becoming a property landlord?

In the late eighties, there were hardly any property investors to learn from. My initial thought process, was if property prices always go up then all I needed was to buy four or five properties and create a strategy to hold all the properties as they appreciated in value.

Once they had appreciated, I would sell one to pay off all the others and so be financially free, by having incoming producing properties which fitted in my residual income model. At the time, I never thought to make income from rental. The rental would just pay for the mortgages. It is probably why I still have the lowest rentals in many of my investment areas.
When I graduated, I asked for a loan from my parents to buy an investment property. I was categorically told that property investment was a stupid idea as my parents had always lost money whenever they moved. I never got that loan. I was still too young and naïve to realise that my parents (and the rest of the world), didn’t really understand property.
In the late eighties, a couple in their mid-thirties knocked on my door and asked for a cup of tea. I thought they were the Mormons coming to convert me, but it turned out that they were the grandchildren of a dear old lady from next door. Apparently, their grandmother had passed away. She used to tell them many stories about how I used to mow her lawn, have cups of tea and do the odd handyman job when she needed someone. The grandchildren said that they would like to bless me for looking after their grandmother and asked if I would like the house at a price substantially below the estate’s valuation.
My reply was “no” because my parents told me investment property was not a good thing. They said it was my decision, but they would give me a week to think it over. At the time there was no concept of buy-to-let mortgages, so I could not get a mortgage on the property, however my brother agreed to take the mortgage and we had a signed agreement that the property belonged to me.
When my parents found out I’d bought the house next door, they were very angry with me as I had no knowledge what to do next. For a while, I just used the house as an extended house. I was so naïve at the time that I thought, if I bought several houses in a row I could convert them into a hotel.

You were featured recently on a BBC documentary, The Week the Landlords Moved In. What can you tell us about the experience overall and including the off-camera moments?

There are some things that I’m not allowed to talk about, but it was a fantastic experience.
My coaches advised me and many others not to do the show. There were many discussions in the property forums that said the show is designed to make landlords look bad. My attitude was that there is no such thing as bad publicity. If I was doing something wrong as a landlord I’d rather find out, plus I hoped it would put me in touch with some producers, as I’d like to resurrect my film and acting career from my early days.
According to the camera crew, I was one of the more authentic landlords they’d met but a conflict was required to make the episode watchable. There are many unpublished parts. One unpublished part was my reaction to the £47.00 they gave me to live on for the week. My response was to thank them for their generosity, I could live on less if they wanted. It turns out I was able to live on £14.47, so I was asked what I would do with the rest of the money.
My response was to invest the money. Either create a nest egg and invest the larger sum, or invest in a sponge and bucket and create more wealth by washing cars.

Who is the real person inside of Ben Chai?

Firstly, there is no real me. All of me is real and false at the same time. We grow, and we evolve. Who we are today is not necessarily who we are tomorrow. I am literally the person you see. Sometimes an enthusiastic extrovert but mostly a thoughtful introvert. As one person commented “Ben when I first met you, you were so quiet. I didn’t think much of you…but when you got on that stage you had so much energy and education, you blew every other speaker out of the water. How is this possible?!”

You have written a book called Social Magnetism. What are your top secrets for social success that you would care to share with Global Man readers?

No….but okay you twisted my arm. My top tips are:
-Don’t be boring – look at their eyes. The eyes glaze over when you are boring someone, or they begin to look away from you. You don’t need to explain everything because they aren’t listening anyway. Their heads are nodding but inside they are far away from the conversation.
-Add value and don’t be a douche bag. Being a douche bag worked when you were a kid but the older you get the more others want authenticity.
-Learn to walk from people who don’t care about you.
-Give so much value but don’t give to a level where people abuse your time or feel guilty because you won’t let them give back to you.
-Learn to receive.
-Understand that you are a wonderful person and learn to properly love that wonderful person. If you love yourself in a healthy manner you would treat everyone else in the same way.

Richard Lukaj : Women need to invest in themselves to succeed

Richard Lukaj :

Women need to invest in themselves to succeed

By Fati Gorezi 

Richard  Lukaj has more than 20 years of investment banking experience having originated, structured and executed more than 200 deals totaling over $100 billion of transaction value. He is a founder of “Bank Street” and aspires with his partners to create a premier middle market investment banking franchise focused on growth sectors of the global economy. Mr. Lukaj has executed hundreds of transactions over the course of his successful investment banking career, ranging in variety from mergers and acquisitions, underwriting of debt, equity and derivative securities, restructurings, exclusive sales, and other financial advisory mandates. During his career at ‘Bear Stearns’, he contributed meaningfully to the development of one of the strongest investment banking franchises on Wall Street. Although heavily weighted towards the Media, Communications and Technology industries, he also has a very broad industry experience in Industrial, Consumer, Retailing, Energy, Aerospace, Specialty Finance, Real Estate and Natural Resources arenas.

 ‘’What’s wrong with men?‘’ seems an  important question for our times. Is it even controversial to say that there is a major problem with the men of the world? What is your opinion about that?

I feel the question is deliberately provocative and a bit amusing at some levels.  Despite some despicable headline making individuals, I believe there are many serious topics that warrant discussion about the evolution of relations between the genders, recognising that there isn’t one correct paradigm that solves problems for all cultures, geographies, etc.  Men and women are a by-product of their life experiences, gender role models and personal development.  As such, their gender expectations will vary but generally within socially acceptable norms in their environments.  While these norms may be very different in Japan, Nigeria or Brazil vs the UK, that’s not to suggest that adjudication is appropriate of one society upon another.  Each must approach the other with respect to find better understanding of the variances among these social norms.

Today the traditional and historical kind of masculinity is no longer necessary for a healthy and functioning society. What are the challenges for men in these modern times?

I am not sure how traditional masculinity is defined but I do believe there are, and will remain, beautiful differences between the sexes in every society.  However, there are some societies that still subjugate women, which the global community must do more to pressure progress towards affording greater protections and respect for the rights of women under generally accepted legal principles on the world stage.  The UN and other organisations can, and perhaps should, make an effort to create a more even handed legal standard for the well-being of women in less developed parts of the world.

What are three ‘hidden costs’ of being a man?

Not sure what that means exactly but I certainly believe that ‘life’, as a male or female in this modern society, is filled with blessings and we have much to celebrate in terms of progress in the evolution of relations between the genders. But that path remains still evolving and personal for all.

How can men and women have better communication between each other?

I think the communications between men and women have never been better for most societies on the world stage but much work is still needed in some areas.  I believe affording access to education for women and opportunities to contribute to theirs – and their family’s economic development – will continue to be a priority for the world to progress.  I am optimistic though, that many countries will no longer allow half their populations to be excluded from the collective desire for prosperity.

What advice would you give to women looking to pursue a career similar to yours?

The financial services sector has never been more available and receptive to women around the world.  I would highly encourage women to do so.

How do you think that we can get the best out of women in business?

People in competitive global industries generally apply best practices, which dictate that focus is increasingly on ability and performance, not gender, race, religion or anything else.

What is happening on a global scale with women in business and what does the future hold for women?

I tell my two daughters that theirs is the generation of women!  I look forward to the world with women as even more meaningful contributors to their societies.  We will all benefit from that.






We have asked five men to give their opinion about men and they kindly agreed to answer our “strange” question “What’s Wrong with Men”. Read below their meaningful answers.



Alexander Keehnen- Co-founder of ‘Earn More Work Less’


Besides the fact that they’re terrible at washing dishes, you mean? And that they consistently skip the difficult corners when vacuum cleaning, hoping to get away with it? Men and women are like high tide and low tide. Yin and yang – two sides of the same coin, each have their pluses and minuses. Women are emotional creatures and, in contrast, some men hardly know that they have emotions. Men are overconfident and women aren’t confident enough. Such is the biggest irony in life: the men are out there arranging the world, overconfident, causing aggression, environmental damage, wars and violence. And the women? They see things go terribly wrong (and intuitively know exactly what to do), but unfortunately, they often choose to stay safely at home.

Is this bad or is this good? In my opinion it’s neither – this is just the way things ‘are’. We are nature. A better question is: “What can we DO about it?” Nobody’s perfect, and the only thing we have control over is our decisions. So let’s focus on ourselves whether we are a man or a woman. Let’s embrace nature, thank the universe for all the good we have and focus on being the kindest, bravest, most loving person we can be.


Victor Dauda Tarfa – Award Wining International Transformational Speaker 


The world is full of opportunities and it is full of great people – both men and women. The only way we can fully tap into every opportunity is by working together. A lot of the problems we face in the world today are because we have not fully spent time understanding each other. A man is built to be a hunter – he is like a lion and wants to own his territory. The woman is caring and loving and very welcoming. So, in a sense, the man is seen as the more‘dominant’ one and can sometimes be viewed as being oppressive to the woman. But If you ask me what is really wrong with men, I would say ‘absolutely nothing’.

I believe everything on Earth was created for a reason. We have been created differently for a reason – whether this is a good or a bad thing – but it’s more about looking closely at everyone’s individual qualities and seeing how they can be harnessed and used positively. Women have spent far too long trying to compete instead of working together – and men are hunters so they have been fighting back as it is in our nature. The way forward will be to work together. As a husband for ten years, living with a woman who is an International Speaker I too have spoken at several women’s conferences. I can clearly see that the women are fast gaining confidence and it is important that we men don’t see that as a threat or a ‘take over’ but to encourage them and to look for ways to understand them better in order to productively work together.

A typical woman has a great ‘gut feeling’ about many things and she can often see and spot what men miss. A man is very focused and is good at sticking to one thing at a time but generally a woman can do many things at a time and remember a lot of things too! A woman is usually prone to being more emotional and a man tends to be decisive and firm which is sometimes very important in business. So I see our differences as a blessing that enables us to work together in order to create a better world.


Ben Chai-CEO/Founder/Owner at Incoming Thought


There is a lot wrong with men and society in general. A little google research would show just how problematic societal male discrimination against others, especially women, actually is. As an educator and mentor, I have a preference to focus on solutions. So here are a few tips.

1.Learn to negotiate effectively. According to some studies substantially less women negotiate for what they are worth. Before you negotiate make sure you understand your worth, what is unique about you and how you can fulfil your company’s overall mission.

2.Many male problems are due to generations of patriarchal education. Begin a generation revolution. Educate and shape your children’s ideas on the roles of men and women.

  1. Where possible remove or reduce the number of toxic men in your life.

4.Don’t stereotype men. Just like women, men come in different shapes and sizes. Know what you want from a business or personal relationship with a man. If there is anything you don’t appreciate in the interaction, let them know how you feel either directly or indirectly.

Create the awkward conversation.  Here are a few examples:-

a). “Whenever I’m around you I feel guilty from the things you say – is it me or is it something you are doing unconsciously?”

b). “This role normally attracts a higher remuneration. Is the reason for this discrepancy, because I haven’t negotiated the pay increase or is there something else that the company is expecting from me?”


Joe St Clair-Managing Director of the The Laszlo Institute Of New Paradigm 


Is there anything fundamentally wrong with men? As a man, maybe it’s difficult to take a fully unbiased and independent view. But what I can do is to share my very personal experience of what it is like to be a male in today’s rapidly changing world. Men’s views of women are undoubtedly shaped by three major influences in their life. In order of importance they are the way their fathers treated their mothers, their ‘peer group’ influences from school friends, work colleagues and social circle and thirdly the media (Television, film, books, radio, magazines, online media and social conventions etc.) All of these powerful and lifelong influences subconsciously shape our beliefs about what is acceptable behaviour between men and women.

By far the greatest influence flows from father to son. My father was always respectful of all women and always believed in equality so I am fortunate to have adopted the same attitudes in my formative years. School friends are a powerful influence on us in our early years but the media is probably the most profound influence on our perceptions as we grow to maturity.  TV and film are still the prime mediums for learning about male-female issues and unfortunately they often create distorted or unrealistic scenarios which we interpret as being a ‘norm’.

Before the days of ‘political correctness’ TV and films, particularly in the Sixties and Seventies, tended to portray men as dominant, forceful creatures that tended to rule over, take advantage of, and dominate timid women. In general terms women played lesser significant roles in films and TV and it was deemed ‘okay’ by film censors to treat women disrespectfully. Unfortunately, these sort of ‘influences’ have become deep rooted in society and only now is the tide starting to thankfully turn.

Today equality and the empowering of women is rapidly changing the gender landscape and I welcome the re-emergence of the matriarchal influences that will undoubtedly move our society towards greater equality and fairness. There are still far too many men stuck in their old-paradigm behaviours however, and it is up to all of us, male and female alike, to lead by example and stand up for what is morally and ethically right. Balancing the male and female elements in everything we do, and working together for the common good, ultimately creates harmony. This isbecause, like the yin and yang forces described by the Tao, together the energy of male and female duality combine to form a powerful force that is greater than the sum of its parts.


Steve Eggleston – CEO & Founder at Eggman Global


Addressing this question from the gender perspective, what’s wrong with men is that many of us were allowed to exploit, abuse, and monopolise our positions, privileges and powers, without being held in check by those of us who could have challenged it, stood up to it, and stopped it. This, like other forms of prejudice and abuse, – racism, ageism, fascism, bias to ancestry, nationality, poverty, and lack of education – makes women mad, and quite rightly so. Victims have every justification to be mad, and now, at last, they are fighting back peacefully but powerfully – like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela for Afro-Americans, like ‘Standing Rock’ for Indigenous People, like the ‘Sierra Club’ and ‘Green Peace’ for Mother Nature, and like John Stuart Mill for liberty. I have worked extensively in law, entertainment (film and music), and books. Comparing and contrasting the glass ceiling in each will be the topic of my talk at this profound, evolutionary event. As the late great Susan B. Anthony once said, “The older I get, the greater power I seem to have to help the world. I am like a snowball – the further I am rolled the more I gain.” May we all come together to tap into this momentous time in history.

Women Are Not Just Influencing The Market – They Are The Market


Women Are Not Just Influencing The Market – They Are The Market

Arif Anis  

Author, speaker and C-Suite consultant, Arif Anis is an international human capital expert who has the privilege of coaching top corporate leaders, heads of states, movie stars and CEOs from Fortune 500 along with a few of the most powerful men and women from 'The Time's and Forbes' list of Most Influential People in The World. Arif has extensive linkages with global leaders, multilateral organisations, institutions of higher learning in the fields of policy-making and opinion formation, peace building, lobbying and impact generation. As director of a UK based think-tank, he contributed to global peace initiatives including peace building between India and Pakistan and participated towards building the Olympic Truce legacy in follow up of London Olympics 2012.

What is your mission and the projects you are running to achieve them?

My mission is living with purpose and while enabling and empowering the people around me to be the best one can be! One’s mission is not always easy to find or pursue. When you find something, anything you’re passionate about, and you make it your life’s mission, you will find great joy and rewards in the work you do. Otherwise, it is not living but merely surviving.

Why and how did you find your passion for empowering women in business?

I consider myself lucky for having opportunities to meet a few of the strongest women in leading roles. Be it Hillary Clinton, Malal Yousaf Zai, Angelina Jolie, Prime Minister Theresa May, or Naomi Campbell – I coudl always see a trajectory when a woman makes it big.

I am of Pakistani origin and I met some incredible women along the way there. Pakistan, in reality, is an amazing place beyond the stereotpical media portrayal. It is a land of strong, independent women who have made a difference for themselves and their families. My mother is a very strong woman and she hugely impacted the family. My wife, who is a professional consultant on a break, is making a huge difference inher own way.

Contrary to males, what  I have observed, is that one successful female can turn around the whole family. Entrepreneurialism does bring freedom, choice, independence, and the power to pursue one’s dreams. For that matter, I want to see more females in business and to succeed. I am particularly impressed with women’s focus as they are not distracted like men. There are so many amazing success strories around us where one focused and determined woman

How do you think that we can get the best out of women in business?

The entrepreneur’s life is celebrated for the grit and fortitude required to navigate it successfully, yet the lifestyle seems a more common choice as people increasingly freelance, run their own businesses, or work as consultants today.Women entrepreneurs see the world through a different lens and, in turn, do things differently. This is reflected in the kinds of businesses they start, whether it’s Coco Chanel, who learned the trade of a seamstress as a child, Estée Lauder, who turned a passion for skincare and make-up into a beauty empire, or Oprah Winfrey, whose media business focuses on helping women to reach their potential.

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are 126million women operating new businesses and another 98million at the helm of established ones. Yet we face a huge equality gap. In only seven countries – Panama, Thailand, Ghana, Ecuador, Nigeria, Mexico and Uganda, do women take part in business at rates equal to men’s; in some countries, they barely take part at all. Even when women are active business owners, they do not reach their potential: Women own almost three in ten American firms, yet employ only 6% of the country’s workforce and account for barely 4% of business revenues.

To get the best out of women, first comes access to capital. When it comes to finance, women face particular hurdles, from a lack of collateral to discriminatory regulations and ingrained gender bias. Small loans can make a big difference.Secondly, nascent businesses need support to flourish. Mentoring could make a huge difference and most women don’t have that support, which helps explain why around the world they see fewer opportunities for entrepreneurship than men.

Thirdly, women need entrepreneurial education. Winning business concepts are just as likely to be conceived at the kitchen table as in the garage or at business school, but research shows women doubt their capabilities and fear failure more than men. Training can equip women with the confidence to see bold ideas through. Goldman Sachs’s 10,000 Women programme, for example, provides women with business and management education. Eight out of ten of the programme’s graduates have boosted revenues; nine out of ten have paid it forward by mentoring other women.And women entrepreneurial networks – they can make a huge difference for women.

Where is your project with women going to be in the next 5 years?

I am currently working on launching a Soft Skills University for women. Well, men or women the importance of soft-skills cannot be understated. However, for particular reasons, I find women making the most of the soft skills and rising to the top. I think it can inspire and change many lives.

What is happening on a global scale with women in business and what does the future hold for us, you think?

Interestingly, since the dawn of human kind the business landscape was a man’s world. Times are changing! Today, women are wielding more and more power on both sides of the business transaction. First, let’s look at some facts from the consumer side. The latest researches show that in family purchases that involve two adults (a woman and a man) women make:

94% of the purchase decision on home furnishings

92% of the purchase decision on family vacations

91% of the purchase decision on home purchases

80% of the purchase decision on healthcare

60% of the purchase decision on family cars

51% of the purchase decision on consumer electronics

It’s clear that in many cases, women are not just influencing the market; they are the market.

So I see more women CEOs breaking the glass ceiling and taking the current percentage of 11% to 50% or higher; more women presidents and prime ministers and more women in power as the time of Power Puff Girls has come. Even the rise of Trump in the USA can’t slow it down. Future belongs to determined women.



I am the General, My wife is the Major



Richard Tan  

Richard Tan is the Chairman of Success Resources, a hugely successful global company founded with a good friend in 1993 and now in business partnership with his wife Veronica. It specialises in personal and business development and has some of the biggest names on its stages including: Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Les Brown, Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, Randi Zuckerberg, Mary Buffet and many more. They hold around 500 events each year and have had ten million attendees to date. Richard tells us about his earlier life and influences, an incredible turnaround and recovery against the odds in 1995, and the principles he lives and leads by.

Can you tell us about your childhood and upbringing?

I grew up in a "red light" area in downtown Singapore. My dad ran a small business, and my mum provided for the household by working and taking up odd jobs. We were not rich but I never lacked anything. I do know that my parents loved me and that they did their best to give me everything they could afford. There are two groups of young friends that I hung out with. One group of friends was from my "red light” hooligan neighbor, whom I learned to smoke and play pranks with. The other group of friends were from my school, whom I studied with. I was fortunate that my school teacher and friends exerted a bigger influence on me and got me interested in learning.

What has carried through with you to this day of what you learned in your formative years? 

In my teens, I signed up to be a youth volunteer. It is a non-profit youth organization, where we had to organize programs and activities for the youth. To fund these, we had to raise our own money. I learnt to work on a shoestring budget, get things done for free, cut wastage, and optimize whatever resources we had. These were priceless experiences that I still apply in running Success Resources today.

What were your first jobs in life and your first business as an entrepreneur?

My first job was in a store of an electrical engineering firm. Every morning, vans with workers would come by to collect the materials to bring to the construction sites. I would then be pretty free and have nothing much to do until the vans returned in the evening. I asked my manager to allow me to assist in the construction site after my work was done in the store. My routine would be working early in the morning in the store and then go to the construction site. One day, when we returned to the office in the evening from the construction site, I saw the firm's estimator was still working. He was working overnight on a tender. I asked if he needed any assistance. He was happy and taught me how to estimate the amount of material for the tenders.

My work then started in the store early in the morning, then onto the construction site with the electricians, and working through the night with the estimator, to close the tender. I became an all-rounder in the firm. I become the only one who had the experience in the store, on the site, and knew the cost of the project. In just a year, I was promoted and the supervisor that I used to report to, now reported to me. That was my first job.My first business venture was selling an anti-slipflooring chemical, which I lost money on and got into debt.

What life and business lessons did you learn from these experiences?

I learnt that failure is not the opposite of success, but failure is part of success.

How did you meet your wife and business partner. Veronica? How would you describe your personal and business relationship? 

I met Veronica in church, in a bible study. Our personal and business relationships are very military-like. I am the "General" and she is the "Major". The staff and my children are the “Soldiers”. I make all the general decisions and she makes all the major decisions.

You started Success Resources with Patrick Liew in 1993. What was the inspiration behind that?

I started Success Resources by accident more than by inspiration. My good friend, Patrick Liew volunteered me to assist at a conference run by a charity organization, of which he was the chairman. After the conference, a presenter came to me and said, "you are a very good organizer, why don't you do it full-time?" That is how I started Success Resources with my friend Patrick.

Can you tell us more about your first huge National Achievers Congress in Hong Kong in 1995 and how you managed that during a very difficult time with your health? 

In 1995, I had a major illness, colon cancer. After the surgery, I had to go for a six-months period of chemotherapy. At that time, we had seminars in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and the Philippines. One month prior to the events, the event in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines sold very well and we had an almost full house. However, the event in Hong Kong had only 300 registrations. The reason why the event in Hong Kong had only 300 participants was because back then, the team in Hong Kong could not work together. They were from different countries and cultures and could not simply work together. We had booked the Hong Kong Coliseum, which has a capacity of 6,000. I could either choose to cancel the seminar, or move forward with the event with only 300 participants in a venue that could take 6,000 people.

Up till that day, I had never cancelled any event under any circumstances and I was not going to let this happen. I went and asked my doctor to transfer my Chemo Treatment to a hospital in Hong Kong, which she reluctantly agreed. I would then start working early in the morning and knocking on doors from the top floor to the ground floor of the buildings, to sell the seminar tickets. The team in Hong Kong was inspired that the 'boss" came all the way down to Hong Kong, while undergoing chemo treatment, rolled up his sleeves and went from door to door to support them. They were motivated and started producing results in order to fill the room. In just three weeks, we were able to fill the Hong Kong Coliseum with a full capacity. The lesson here is that your team will only go as far as you will go. If you are only willing to work eight hours per day, don't expect your team to work nine hours a day. If you set just a one million dollar sales target, don't expect your team to sell two million. Your team will only go as far as you go.

How have you overcome failures and challenges and what is the main driver that has seen you through all of them?

I am very fortunate to have a very supportive wife standing by my side with encouragement. This is of great help when I am faced with obstacles and challenges. I have a great team behind me. We work though the challenges together.

How did you build great relationships with so many of the world’s top speakers who are now part of the Success Resources family?

Actually to tell you the truth, it is my wife Veronica who is handling all the speakers relationships. They seem to naturally want to communicate with her.

How do you see the role of women in business and as speakers on the big stages, now and in the future?  

Women – I believe that women usually do it better. I believe that women make better business decisions than men do, and are more hardworking. By nature, they are more careful and more approachable, too. The world needs more women speakers. However by nature, more women prefer to be supportive from behind the scenes, than to be up in the front speaking. I believe this trend is changing as I can see more and more women are stepping up to be trainers and speakers, sharing their passion in their messages.

What are your latest business ventures and where do you see Success Resources in the next 5 to 10 years compared with today?

My latest venture is SuccessLife, the World’s Leading online community platform for Premium Personal and Business Development content. SuccessLife will be the Netflix of Business and Personal Development. It will be the largest community of online subscribers and a content provider, which can be accessed anytime, anyplace,on any device. In fact, we are in the process of the Initial Coin Offering, to raise $50M to acquire content, so look out for SuccessLife.


People Are Capable Of Re-Inventing Themselves at Any Time


Bernado Moya  

People Are Capable Of Re-Inventing Themselves at Any Time


Bernado Moya is a Neuro-Linguistic Programme Practitioner, with a business delivering NLP courses. He is also the founder and creator of The Best You, specialising in personal and professional development. In this interview, Bernado tells us about the importance of family to him and the challenges of balancing that with being a committed entrepreneur. He has learned from experience that business has its ups and downs and the essential value of having resilience and the ability to reinvent yourself.  We also learn more about his interests in travel and motorbiking.

 What can you tell us about your childhood and upbringing and how that has influenced you?

My parents were Spanish immigrants that met in London and I was born in London. My Dad was a head waiter and my Mum was a chef so I was brought up with food, quality food and working hard, and then also getting together with family and friends on weekends. So it was a very family orientated, Spanish environment that I got brought up in and what it has meant is my love for food and my passion for kind of working hard really, and understanding the importance of family life and the family upbringing.

Who is your family today and what are your personal interests?

Unfortunately, my Dad died when I was 15, but my Mum is around luckily and I have a brother. I also have three great kids. My two sons are working, one has a business and the other one is working in yachts. They both live a great life and they’re great people. My daughter, well she’s amazing too. She’s just finished University so we’ve had a family life where we’ve spent a lot of weekends together surrounded by family but yes in an environment where I suppose where they’ve seen me work hard. I’ve worked very hard and maybe I missed out on some opportunities with them but I think they’ve had a great upbringing and they’re great kids so I’m very proud of them. It’s my legacy.

The world needs inspiration, it needs leaders that can help and inspire the newer generations but also can make the world a better place.

What were your earlier career or business ventures and what did you learn from those experiences?

Well, I have been in real estate off and on doing different things from timeshare to running my own real estate. I had up to 23-25 employees so selling and engaging with clients has been something I’ve done from an early age, since I finished in the army at the age of 19. But I would say that it’s provided me a great life but also challenges. I lost my business twice, once when I was 26 and then again at the age of 38-39 which is where I pretty much re-started all over again. From my experiences, I’ve learnt that I’m very resilient, I’ve learnt that I can re-invent myself as needed and work hard to create something new. I’ve been very passionate about everything that I’ve done, I’ve always had big dreams and I’m still on a journey.

As an entrepreneur, how much is it in the nature, in your genes and how much is it instinct and nurture, do you think?

Well, I think there’s a special type of person that has to have that within them to become an entrepreneur. I understand that not everyone wants to build their own business and I understand that people are happy to live an easier life, less stressful. Becoming an entrepreneur is very challenging, it’s something that you’ve got to be prepared to put more hours than you can imagine, be prepared for failure, be prepared for disappointments with staff and employees, be prepared for people not to buy into your products but also it has amazing rewards. If you understand your business, if you understand your customer, if you really study marketing, sales, and how to build relationships with your customers, if you build something that’s unique, that inspires people, it’s a very rewarding job.

I’ve had three children, but I know that my businesses have always taken a very important part of my life and I’m aware of that, yet it’s something I’m proud of. I’ve always done my best and I would prefer to at least know that I’ve tried than not ever even attempting it. So I’m very happy with being an entrepreneur and the rewards that it has given me in my life.

What attracted you to become involved with NLP?

It was Paul McKenna’s book ‘Change your Life in 7 Days’. It was packed with NLP techniques and it was the first time I read about Dr Richard Bandler and Neuro-linguistic Programming. I remember that after reading the book I asked a friend of mine who worked with Paul Hay, I would love to do the course. I did the ‘7 Day Practitioner’ and I remember at the end of the course I knew that I wanted to do something different. I wanted to do something with more meaning and I felt that NLP could provide me that, and would provide me with the set of skills that I needed.

Can you tell us more about NLP and how it works?

Neuro-linguistic Programming is the study of excellence. Richard Bandler, the Co-creator, looked into how did successful people do what they do? How do people that have phobias overcome them? How did they leave those phobias and fears behind? So he put those techniques together and he packaged them. Neuro, stands for the head linguistic set of skills, language patterns that we use and the programming set of skills and strategies. Part of NLP is simply allowing you to think. It gives you a set of skills to become a better communicator, more confident, to be able to become more motivated, and to understand how you can change how you feel by simply thinking differently. If you think differently you feel differently, if you feel differently you act and behaviour differently.

Why do you believe that continual personal development is so important for everyone?

I think the older we get the more we understand the importance of investing in ourselves. When we’re at school we take learning, not everyone, but I think generally we take it as a burden, something that we have to do. I think with age we understand how important it is to really be at our peak and how we can become a better version of ourselves; how we can think better, how we can communicate better and that’s what personal development brings you.

You know people are looking for love, they’re looking for ways to increase their self- esteem to become more confident, to become happier. And you do that by learning from the best, from reading books, from attending talks or attending Expos and being surrounded by positive people that can provide you inspiration. If we think of ourselves as a device, as a phone, we’re always looking at the latest version or downloading the latest update and software. But when it comes down to us, we’re always reluctant to upgrade our own software. We need to be permanently pushing ourselves and reading the best, not just because we need to, but additionally the world needs it too. The world needs inspiration, it needs leaders that can help and inspire the newer generations but also can make the world a better place.

You have two Expos in early 2018 in London and Long Beach California – can you tell us more about these and what to expect?

It is our third Expo in London, that’s on the 16th and 17th February and in Long Beach on the 24th and 25th March, which will be our first run in the US. The Expos have grown and doubled in size every year and the reason being is because there wasn’t any personal development experience like this. It’s an opportunity to meet all these fantastic inspirational speakers, brands, companies and organisations that are dedicated to improving people’s lives.

It’s a great format. We have loads of workshops, 8 or 9 seminar rooms with more than 140 speakers. We have a variety of other activities, like the Inspiration Zone, where we teach people how to overcome phobias, learn how to dance Salsa, and walk on glass. We have the Yoga and Meditation Zone, fresh juices, we’re screening some amazing documentaries with some fantastic partners; Netflix, and Sky. There is so much going on at these Expos and we’re very excited about them.

What are your favourite places in the world from your travels and why?

I have travelled and I would like to travel a lot more. I loved Vietnam, it was beautiful. One of the things that I like doing and have done quite a few times, is I’ve gone with friends on motorbike tours, which have always been amazing and very appealing to me. I’ve also been to Madagascar, South Africa, and Canada. I’ve done a few small trips around the US, but I have many future plans. I want to travel the whole of South America. I feel that travelling is a very important part of life and I believe that as The Best US Expo starts licensing around the world, it’s going to be something that’s on my plate and I’m looking forward to it.

What words of wisdom would you give to our readers, either already successful or aspiring to success?

One of the beauties, I think, of personal and professional growth, as we’ve seen it many, many times, is that people are able and capable of re-inventing themselves at any time. I would always say that it’s never, ever too late. I always insist on that, it’s never ever too late to become who you want to become, to become the best you. You’ve just got to take action and start today, start now. And be resilient, just be prepared. Life is going to throw things at you. It’s not what happens, it’s how you deal with what happens that’s the important bit. You can have a bad day, you’ve just got to wake up the next morning, take the dust off, brush yourself and get on with it. So keep going, never give up, never allow anyone to say it’s too late and then again surround yourself by positive people. I love the hash tag ‘no negativity’. I follow that through, I’m not interested in working or being surrounded by any negative people in my life.