active listening – Global Man

Dr Chopra: The Divine Feminine Empowered — Women for a Harmonious World

Interview by Mirela Sula

In a world that is constantly changing and facing numerous challenges, the resurgence of Divine Feminine energy holds great significance. Renowned authority Dr. Chopra explores the transformative power of this energy, which helps shift us away from predatory male energy towards qualities like empathy and cooperation – qualities essential for addressing global issues. This interview delves into harnessing the Divine Feminine’s attributes in leadership, examining the seven Goddess archetypes and empowering women with diverse talents to collectively drive positive change. Drawing inspiration from luminaries such as Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Chopra highlights the importance of self-reflection in achieving success while navigating multifaceted roles. Ultimately, it presents a compelling vision of a harmonious and inclusive world where financial well-being aligns with personal values and passions.


Can you please share your insight on the current rise of the divine feminine energy and why it is considered to be of great importance in our world today?

The rise of the Divine Feminine is significant because it represents a shift away from the dominant, predatory male energy that has shaped our history. This shift is essential as we face numerous global challenges, including climate change, violence, and more. The Divine Feminine embodies qualities like nurturing, empathy, and cooperation, which are necessary for our survival and a more harmonious world.

In the context of leadership, how can the qualities and principles associated with the Divine Feminine be harnessed and utilized in a positive and effective manner to inspire and guide individuals and organizations towards a more harmonious and inclusive future?

Effective leadership can be achieved by embracing the acronym “LEADERS”: Look and listen deeply, develop emotional intelligence and empathy, cultivate awareness, set smart goals, empower oneself and others, take responsibility, and create synchronicity. These principles, when applied, lead to a more harmonious and inclusive future by promoting empathy, compassion, and collective empowerment.

Would you please share and explain the concept of the seven Goddess archetypes and offer guidance on how those here can access and embody these archetypes in their lives for personal growth and empowerment?

The seven Goddess archetypes represent different facets of the Divine Feminine. They are:

  • Hera (leader),
  • Mother (nurturer),
  • Athena (wisdom and culture),
  • Aphrodite (love and creativity),
  • Artemis (nature and conservation),
  • Persephone (healer and alchemist),
  • and Hestia (homemaker).

It’s possible to relate to multiple archetypes, but identifying your major strengths is key. By recognizing your dominant archetypes, you can align with your true self and find people who complement your strengths to create a harmonious balance.

For women who feel a strong connection to multiple archetypes and possess diverse talents, how can they navigate their journey effectively while embracing their multifaceted nature?

Women with diverse talents and connections to multiple archetypes should focus on their major strengths while appreciating their multifaceted nature. By identifying and prioritizing their dominant archetypes, they can lead more effectively and seek collaboration with others who complement their skills. This way, they can navigate their journey with balance and purpose, using their various talents to create a harmonious and fulfilling life.

How can women harness their multifaceted talents and archetypes to contribute positively to their communities and the world as a whole?

Women can harness their multifaceted talents and archetypes to make positive contributions by recognizing their unique strengths and finding alignment with their passions. They should collaborate with others who have complementary skills to address community and global challenges. By embracing their diverse talents and archetypes, women can create a more inclusive, compassionate, and harmonious world.

In a world where women often juggle various roles and responsibilities, what advice do you have for them to maintain a sense of balance, well-being, and inner harmony?

Finding balance, well-being, and inner harmony is essential for women juggling multiple roles. They should prioritize self-care, practice mindfulness, and set boundaries to prevent burnout. Embracing their archetypal strengths can also help them align their actions with their true selves, fostering a sense of balance and fulfilment in all their endeavours.

How can women collectively harness their strengths and diverse talents to create a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier, and joyful world?

Women can collectively create a better world by recognizing their collective strengths and diverse talents. They should come together, share their visions, and collaborate across different areas of expertise. By focusing on shared goals, practicing empathy and compassion, and leveraging each other’s strengths, women can drive positive change and contribute to a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier, and joyful world.

In your experience, Dr. Chopra, what qualities, and archetypes have led to the success of powerful female leaders like Oprah Winfrey?

Oprah Winfrey embodies several powerful archetypes. She’s a storyteller, a nurturer, and a builder. She listens to and validates people’s stories, which has been key to her success. She’s also a feminist and focuses on empowering marginalized women, making her a role model for many.

How can women who identify with the mother archetype and aspire to be leaders navigate the apparent contradiction between these roles effectively?

Embrace the contradiction and ambiguity. Paradoxes are sources of creativity. Being a mother and a leader can coexist. Oprah Winfrey herself is a motherly figure to many and a successful leader. It’s about finding a balance and understanding that people want to tell their stories. Listen and validate them, and you can succeed in both roles.

You mentioned the importance of validation and listening to people’s stories. Can you elaborate on how this approach can contribute to success, as Oprah exemplifies?

Validation and active listening are keys to success. Oprah’s ability to genuinely listen and validate people’s stories has made her a remarkable storyteller and a successful journalist. When you focus on what you can do for others, it can lead to great success.

Oprah Winfrey also engages in philanthropic work, such as educating thousands of children in South Africa. How does her nurturing and giving nature contribute to her impact and influence?

Oprah’s nurturing and giving nature is a significant part of her impact and influence. She has nurtured thousands of children in South Africa, showing that being a nurturer and a leader can go hand in hand. Her philanthropic efforts align with her values and empower others, making her a role model for many.

In the discussion, you touched upon the idea of embracing contradiction and ambiguity. How can this approach benefit individuals and organizations striving for success?

Embracing contradiction and ambiguity is essential for creativity. Without paradoxes and conflicts, there’s no room for growth and innovation. It’s crucial for individuals and organizations to embrace these challenges, as they often lead to breakthroughs and unique solutions.

During the meditation session, you explored the concept of “Who am I?” and encouraged self-reflection. How can this practice help individuals in their personal and professional growth?

Self-reflection, as practiced in the meditation, can lead to self-awareness and personal growth. It helps individuals understand their true selves and their desires. Knowing oneself is crucial for making aligned choices in both personal and professional life.

You mentioned the importance of financial well-being as part of overall well-being. How can individuals achieve financial security while also pursuing their passions and values, as discussed in the conversation?

Achieving financial security while pursuing passions and values requires aligning your work with your purpose. It’s about finding ways to contribute to the world while also ensuring financial stability. This balance can be achieved by understanding what success means to you and recognizing that true success includes financial well-being alongside other aspects of life.

Mirela Sula & Deepak Chopra

Balthasar Fleischmann: My ICE Method — Lessons from My 35 Years in Law Enforcement

Balthasar Fleischmann

Balthasar Fleischmann is an exceptional speaker who provides invaluable insights into effective communication and conflict resolution. Drawing on his extensive experience as a seasoned police officer and undercover agent with 35 years of experience, Balthasar is a highly sought-after speaker for events focused on these topics.

Balthasar’s speeches are not only informative but also highly engaging, with practical advice that audiences can implement immediately. He understands the importance of choosing the right words and how they can impact communication effectiveness. Balthasar’s ICE method, a practical tool for decision-making and effective communication, has been proven in a variety of settings to improve communication and achieve successful outcomes.

In addition to his expertise in verbal communication, Balthasar understands the importance of nonverbal communication and how it can convey authenticity and build rapport. He provides audiences with practical advice on how to use body language to enhance communication effectiveness.

Balthasar Fleischmann’s speeches are a must-attend for those looking to improve their communication skills and achieve successful outcomes. Book him as a speaker for your next event to gain valuable insights and take your communication skills to the next level.

“I faced many challenging situations, but I managed them all without resorting to violence. I arrested murderers and caught thieves, but saving lives was certainly the best task and guiding people on the right path with my influence.”
Balthasar Fleischmann


What inspired you to become a police officer and undercover agent, and how did you get started in this line of work?

In my personal experience of 35 years, many people become police officers because they want to serve their communities and make a positive impact. Some are drawn to the challenges and adrenaline of undercover work. For me, it was the desire to serve people with all my competence. I changed to the special unit after creating the concept for this unit. So, I was the first to be there.

What were some of the most challenging situations you encountered during your time as a police officer and undercover agent, and how did you handle them?

Police officers and undercover agents face a wide range of challenges, from dealing with dangerous criminals to managing high-pressure situations that require quick decision-making. I faced many challenging situations, but I managed them all without resorting to violence. I arrested murderers and caught thieves, but saving lives was certainly the best task and guiding people on the right path with my influence.

How do you train individuals to effectively use communication as a weapon in difficult situations, and what are some of the key skills that are required?

Effective communication skills are essential for police officers and anyone dealing with difficult situations. It’s about controlling your emotions and not being driven by anger or rage. One rule I always follow is to separate the person from their actions, focusing on the action and recognizing that there is a human being behind it with their own reasons. This allows for a better response and better control of the situation.

Can you share some examples of how the ICE method has been used successfully in business negotiations or employee conversations?

My ICE method (Identify, Corporate, and Eliminate) can be used in a variety of settings to improve communication and achieve successful outcomes. For example, in business negotiations, using this ICE method can help parties identify the key issues at hand, clarify their positions, and consider the consequences of their decisions. I give examples and tools in my seminars to help participants understand and apply my ICE method effectively.

How can individuals learn to control their emotions in challenging situations, and what role does self-awareness play in this process?

Controlling emotions in challenging situations is important for maintaining clear thinking and making sound decisions. Self-awareness is a key component of this process, as it allows individuals to recognize and manage their emotions effectively. Techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and mindfulness can also be helpful in controlling emotions and staying calm under pressure. Training in emotional intelligence and stress management can be beneficial as well.

What are some of the common misconceptions about communication and conflict resolution, and how do you address them in your seminars and workshops?

One common misconception is that communication always involves compromise or finding a middle ground. However, this is not always the case, and sometimes one party may need to take a firm stance to protect their interests or boundaries. In my seminars and workshops, I address this misconception by teaching individuals to focus on their own needs and communicate them effectively, while also being open to hearing the other party’s perspective. I provide tools and methods that challenge traditional thinking and offer new perspectives.

How can individuals identify and remove unhelpful words from their vocabulary, and what impact can this have on their communication effectiveness?

Individuals can identify unhelpful words in their vocabulary by becoming more aware of their own language patterns and paying attention to how others respond to their words. Some common unhelpful words include blaming language, negative self-talk, and generalizations. Removing these words from their vocabulary and replacing them with more positive and constructive language can have a significant impact on their communication effectiveness. In our workshops, we help participants identify these unhelpful words and understand why they use them. We then work on replacing them with beneficial terms. As a result, participants report ongoing success and improved communication.

How do you approach situations where the other person is not willing to communicate, and what strategies can be employed in these scenarios?

Communication cannot be forced. Instead, we can try to understand the motivation behind the other person’s unwillingness to communicate and work on changing that motivation or showing them a new perspective. Active listening and creating a safe space for them to express themselves can be helpful. However, if these approaches do not work, it may be necessary to disengage and return to the conversation at a later time. Strategies such as mediation or involving a neutral third party can also be employed to resolve the conflict.

How can individuals develop their body language skills to effectively communicate their message and convey authenticity?

Developing body language skills involves being aware of one’s own nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and posture, and learning to read the nonverbal cues of others. Practicing active listening, maintaining eye contact, and using open body language can all help to convey authenticity and build rapport in communication. In our seminars, we go beyond basic body language and expand participants’ perception of themselves. We bring their body language into consciousness, work on exercises, and ensure that their body language is authentic and aligned with their message.

What advice do you have for individuals who are looking to improve their conflict resolution and communication skills, both in their personal and professional lives?

My advice for individuals looking to improve their conflict resolution and communication skills is to practice active listening, become more aware of their own language patterns, and approach difficult conversations with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Seeking out training or coaching from experienced professionals in this field can also be helpful. Effective communication and conflict resolution are skills that can be developed over time with practice and dedication. Additionally, I recommend using my ICE method as a practical tool for decision-making and effective communication. We provide support and guidance at the Decisionairs Academy, and we look forward to assisting you on your journey.

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